United States
Securities and Exchange Commission
Washington, D.C. 20549
Report of Foreign Private Issuer
Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16
of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934
For the month of
October 2018
Vale S.A.
Praia de Botafogo, 186
22250-145 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
(Address of principal executive office)
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Vale S.A. Interim Financial Statements
KPMG Auditores Independentes
Rua do Passeio, 38 - Setor 2 - 17º andar - Centro
20021-290 - Rio de Janeiro/RJ - Brasil
Caixa Postal 2888 - CEP 20001-970 - Rio de Janeiro/RJ - Brasil
Telefone +55 (21) 2207-9400, Fax +55 (21) 2207-9000
Report on the review of quarterly information ITR
(A free translation of the original report in Portuguese, as filed with the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM), prepared in accordance with the accounting practices adopted in Brazil, rules of the CVM and of the International Financial Reporting Standards - IFRS)
To the Board of Directors and Stockholders of
Vale S.A.
Rio de Janeiro - RJ
1. We have reviewed the interim financial information, individual and consolidated, of Vale S.A. (the Company), identified as Parent Company and Consolidated, respectively, included in the quarterly information form - ITR for the quarter ended September 30, 2018, which comprises the individual and consolidated statement of financial position as of September 30, 2018 and the respective statements of income and comprehensive income for the three and nine months periods ended on September 30, 2018, the statements of changes in equity for the nine-month period then ended and of the individual statement of cash flows for the nine-month period and the consolidated statements of cash flows for the three and nine months periods then ended, including the explanatory notes.
2. The Company`s Management is responsible for the preparation of these interim financial information in accordance with the CPC 21(R1) Demonstração Intermediária and the IAS 34 - Interim Financial Reporting, issued by the International Accounting Standards Board IASB, as well as the presentation of these information in accordance with the standards issued by the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission, applicable to the preparation of quarterly information - ITR. Our responsibility is to express our conclusion on this interim financial information based on our review.
KPMG Auditores Independentes, uma sociedade simples brasileira e firma-membro da rede KPMG de firmas-membro independentes e afiliadas à KPMG International Cooperative (KPMG International), uma entidade suíça. |
KPMG Auditores Independentes, a Brazilian entity and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (KPMG International), a Swiss entity. |
Scope of the review
3. We conducted our review in accordance with Brazilian and International Interim Information Review Standards (NBC TR 2410 - Revisão de Informações Intermediárias Executada pelo Auditor da Entidade and ISRE 2410 - Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity, respectively). A review of interim information consists of making inquiries primarily of the management responsible for financial and accounting matters and applying analytical procedures and other review procedures. The scope of a review is significantly less than an audit conducted in accordance with auditing standards and, accordingly, it did not enable us to obtain assurance that we were aware of all the material matters that would have been identified in an audit. Therefore, we do not express an audit opinion.
Conclusion on the interim financial information
4. Based on our review, we are not aware of any fact that might lead us to believe that the individual and consolidated interim financial information included in the aforementioned quarterly information was not prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with CPC 21(R1) and IAS 34, issued by the IASB, applicable to the preparation of the quarterly review - ITR, and presented in accordance with the standards issued by the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission.
Other matters
Statements of added value
5. The individual and consolidated interim financial information related to the statement of value added for the nine-month period ended September 30, 2018, prepared under the responsibility of the Companys management, and presented as supplementary information for the purposes of IAS 34, was submitted to the same review procedures followed together with the review of the Companys interim financial information. In order to form our conclusion, we evaluated whether this statement was reconciliated to the interim financial information and to the accounting records, as applicable, and whether their form and content are in accordance with the criteria set on Technical Pronouncement CPC 09 - Statement of Value Added. Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the accompanying statement of value added was not prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with the individual and consolidated interim financial information taken as a whole.
Rio de Janeiro, October 24, 2018
KPMG Auditores Independentes
CRC SP-014428/O-6 F-RJ
(Original report in Portuguese signed by)
Bernardo Moreira Peixoto Neto
Accountant CRC RJ-064887/O-8
In millions of Brazilian reais, except earnings per share data
Consolidated |
| ||||||
Three-month period ended |
Nine-month period ended |
| ||||
Notes |
2018 |
2017 |
2018 |
2017 |
Continuing operations |
Net operating revenue |
3(c) |
37,862 |
28,600 |
97,028 |
78,705 |
Cost of goods sold and services rendered |
5(a) |
(22,827 |
) |
(17,099 |
) |
(59,260 |
) |
(48,426 |
) |
Gross profit |
15,035 |
11,501 |
37,768 |
30,279 |
Operating expenses |
Selling and administrative expenses |
5(b) |
(535 |
) |
(409 |
) |
(1,377 |
) |
(1,223 |
) |
Research and evaluation expenses |
(346 |
) |
(285 |
) |
(899 |
) |
(748 |
) |
Pre operating and operational stoppage |
(241 |
) |
(265 |
) |
(736 |
) |
(915 |
) |
Other operating expenses, net |
5(c) |
(244 |
) |
(484 |
) |
(1,042 |
) |
(1,002 |
) |
(1,366 |
) |
(1,443 |
) |
(4,054 |
) |
(3,888 |
) |
Impairment and other results on non-current assets |
4 |
(707 |
) |
(532 |
) |
(749 |
) |
345 |
Operating income |
12,962 |
9,526 |
32,965 |
26,736 |
Financial income |
6 |
445 |
482 |
1,114 |
1,054 |
Financial expenses |
6 |
(1,479 |
) |
(2,393 |
) |
(6,320 |
) |
(7,959 |
) |
Other financial items |
6 |
(3,924 |
) |
2,665 |
(12,753 |
) |
1,424 |
Equity results in associates and joint ventures |
13 |
134 |
367 |
584 |
509 |
Impairment and other results in associates and joint ventures |
17 |
(80 |
) |
(78 |
) |
(1,671 |
) |
(379 |
) |
Income before income taxes |
8,058 |
10,569 |
13,919 |
21,385 |
Income taxes |
7 |
Current tax |
280 |
(1,654 |
) |
(475 |
) |
(3,461 |
) |
Deferred tax |
(2,730 |
) |
(1,407 |
) |
(2,021 |
) |
(1,660 |
) |
(2,450 |
) |
(3,061 |
) |
(2,496 |
) |
(5,121 |
) |
Net income from continuing operations |
5,608 |
7,508 |
11,423 |
16,264 |
Net income (loss) attributable to noncontrolling interests |
(145 |
) |
19 |
(58 |
) |
166 |
Net income from continuing operations attributable to Vales stockholders |
5,753 |
7,489 |
11,481 |
16,098 |
Discontinued operations |
12 |
Loss from discontinued operations |
(338 |
) |
(310 |
) |
(983 |
) |
Net income attributable to noncontrolling interests |
8 |
21 |
Loss from discontinued operations attributable to Vales stockholders |
(346 |
) |
(310 |
) |
(1,004 |
) |
Net income |
5,608 |
7,170 |
11,113 |
15,281 |
Net income (loss) attributable to noncontrolling interests |
(145 |
) |
27 |
(58 |
) |
187 |
Net income attributable to Vales stockholders |
5,753 |
7,143 |
11,171 |
15,094 |
Earnings per share attributable to Vales stockholders: |
Basic and diluted earnings per share (restated): |
8 |
Common share (R$) |
1.11 |
1.37 |
2.15 |
2.90 |
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these interim financial statements.
Income Statement
In millions of Brazilian reais, except earnings per share data
Parent company |
| ||||||
Three-month period ended |
Nine-month period ended |
| ||||
2018 |
2017 |
2018 |
2017 |
Continuing operations |
Net operating revenue |
22,728 |
14,369 |
56,860 |
47,033 |
Cost of goods sold and services rendered |
(10,318 |
) |
(8,335 |
) |
(28,299 |
) |
(24,424 |
) |
Gross profit |
12,410 |
6,034 |
28,561 |
22,609 |
Operating (expenses) income |
Selling and administrative expenses |
(242 |
) |
(229 |
) |
(694 |
) |
(690 |
) |
Research and evaluation expenses |
(210 |
) |
(171 |
) |
(549 |
) |
(444 |
) |
Pre operating and operational stoppage |
(179 |
) |
(256 |
) |
(562 |
) |
(660 |
) |
Equity results from subsidiaries |
531 |
3,224 |
4,104 |
4,840 |
Other operating expenses, net |
(286 |
) |
(438 |
) |
(836 |
) |
(523 |
) |
(386 |
) |
2,130 |
1,463 |
2,523 |
Impairment and other results on non-current assets |
(81 |
) |
(258 |
) |
(305 |
) |
(326 |
) |
Operating income |
11,943 |
7,906 |
29,719 |
24,806 |
Financial income |
95 |
89 |
209 |
302 |
Financial expenses |
(1,508 |
) |
(1,968 |
) |
(6,079 |
) |
(7,477 |
) |
Other financial items |
(3,316 |
) |
2,988 |
(11,936 |
) |
2,120 |
Equity results in associates and joint ventures |
134 |
367 |
584 |
509 |
Impairment and other results in associates and joint ventures |
(80 |
) |
(78 |
) |
(1,671 |
) |
(370 |
) |
Income before income taxes |
7,268 |
9,304 |
10,826 |
19,890 |
Income taxes |
Current tax |
774 |
(1,278 |
) |
774 |
(2,344 |
) |
Deferred tax |
(2,289 |
) |
(537 |
) |
(119 |
) |
(1,448 |
) |
(1,515 |
) |
(1,815 |
) |
655 |
(3,792 |
) |
Net income from continuing operations |
5,753 |
7,489 |
11,481 |
16,098 |
Discontinued operations |
Loss from discontinued operations |
(346 |
) |
(310 |
) |
(1,004 |
) |
Net income |
5,753 |
7,143 |
11,171 |
15,094 |
Earnings per share attributable to Vales stockholders: |
Basic and diluted earnings per share (restated): |
Common share (R$) |
1.11 |
1.37 |
2.15 |
2.90 |
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these interim financial statements.
Statement of Comprehensive Income
In millions of Brazilian reais
Consolidated |
| ||||||
Three-month period ended |
Nine-month period ended |
| ||||
2018 |
2017 |
2018 |
2017 |
Net income |
5,608 |
7,170 |
11,113 |
15,281 |
Other comprehensive income (loss): |
Items that will not be reclassified subsequently to the income statement |
Retirement benefit obligations |
144 |
142 |
112 |
(573 |
) |
Fair value adjustment to investment in equity securities |
702 |
873 |
Transfer to retained earnings |
(51 |
) |
Total of items that will not be reclassified subsequently to the income statement, net of tax |
846 |
142 |
934 |
(573 |
) |
Items that may be reclassified subsequently to the income statement |
Translation adjustments |
4,854 |
(2,523 |
) |
19,823 |
(414 |
) |
Net investments hedge |
(308 |
) |
616 |
(2,338 |
) |
339 |
Transfer of realized results to net income |
(257 |
) |
Total of items that may be reclassified subsequently to the income statement, net of tax |
4,546 |
(1,907 |
) |
17,228 |
(75 |
) |
Total comprehensive income |
11,000 |
5,405 |
29,275 |
14,633 |
Comprehensive income (loss) attributable to noncontrolling interests |
(176 |
) |
(118 |
) |
142 |
74 |
Comprehensive income attributable to Vales stockholders |
11,176 |
5,523 |
29,133 |
14,559 |
From continuing operations |
11,176 |
5,571 |
29,117 |
14,607 |
From discontinued operations |
(48 |
) |
16 |
(48 |
) |
11,176 |
5,523 |
29,133 |
14,559 |
Parent company |
| ||||||
Three-month period ended |
Nine-month period ended |
| ||||
2018 |
2017 |
2018 |
2017 |
Net income |
5,753 |
7,143 |
11,171 |
15,094 |
Other comprehensive income: |
Items that will not be reclassified subsequently to the income statement |
Retirement benefit obligations |
32 |
(26 |
) |
(5 |
) |
(53 |
) |
Fair value adjustment to investment in equity securities |
621 |
770 |
Equity results in associates and joint ventures |
193 |
168 |
220 |
(520 |
) |
Transfer to retained earnings |
(51 |
) |
Total of items that will not be reclassified subsequently to the income statement, net of tax |
846 |
142 |
934 |
(573 |
) |
Items that may be reclassified subsequently to the income statement |
Translation adjustments |
4,885 |
(2,378 |
) |
19,478 |
(301 |
) |
Net investments hedge |
(308 |
) |
616 |
(2,338 |
) |
339 |
Transfer of realized results to net income |
(112 |
) |
Total of items that may be reclassified subsequently to the income statement, net of tax |
4,577 |
(1,762 |
) |
17,028 |
38 |
Total comprehensive income |
11,176 |
5,523 |
29,133 |
14,559 |
Items above are stated net of tax and the related taxes are disclosed in note 7.
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these interim financial statements.
In millions of Brazilian reais
Consolidated |
| ||||||
Three-month period ended |
Nine-month period ended |
| ||||
2018 |
2017 |
2018 |
2017 |
Cash flow from operating activities: |
Income before income taxes from continuing operations |
8,058 |
10,569 |
13,919 |
21,385 |
Continuing operations adjustments for: |
Equity results in associates and joint ventures |
(134 |
) |
(367 |
) |
(584 |
) |
(509 |
) |
Impairment and other results on non-current assets and associates and joint ventures |
787 |
610 |
2,420 |
34 |
Depreciation, amortization and depletion |
3,376 |
2,916 |
9,322 |
8,674 |
Financial results, net |
4,958 |
(754 |
) |
17,959 |
5,481 |
Changes in assets and liabilities: |
Accounts receivable |
(708 |
) |
(3,075 |
) |
(78 |
) |
3,420 |
Inventories |
(721 |
) |
(173 |
) |
(1,453 |
) |
(1,488 |
) |
Suppliers and contractors |
1,295 |
113 |
(82 |
) |
1,162 |
Provision - Payroll, related charges and other remunerations |
789 |
632 |
(238 |
) |
539 |
Proceeds from cobalt stream transaction |
2,603 |
Other assets and liabilities, net |
81 |
(855 |
) |
(1,734 |
) |
(2,824 |
) |
17,781 |
9,616 |
42,054 |
35,874 |
Interest on loans and borrowings paid |
(972 |
) |
(1,289 |
) |
(3,203 |
) |
(4,235 |
) |
Derivatives paid, net |
(84 |
) |
(361 |
) |
(127 |
) |
(714 |
) |
Interest on participative stockholders debentures paid |
(245 |
) |
(221 |
) |
Income taxes |
(867 |
) |
(282 |
) |
(1,808 |
) |
(1,539 |
) |
Income taxes - Settlement program |
(412 |
) |
(393 |
) |
(1,225 |
) |
(1,159 |
) |
Net cash provided by operating activities from continuing operations |
15,446 |
7,291 |
35,446 |
28,006 |
Cash flow from investing activities: |
Financial investments invested |
(76 |
) |
(124 |
) |
(156 |
) |
(176 |
) |
Loans and advances - net receipts (payments) (note 25) |
(341 |
) |
(324 |
) |
7,955 |
(1,059 |
) |
Additions to property, plant and equipment, intangibles and investments |
(2,737 |
) |
(2,930 |
) |
(8,238 |
) |
(9,275 |
) |
Proceeds from disposal of assets and investments (note 12 and 13) |
476 |
624 |
4,937 |
2,266 |
Dividends and interest on capital received from associates and joint ventures |
28 |
64 |
566 |
330 |
Other investing activities |
(97 |
) |
7 |
(105 |
) |
(95 |
) |
Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities from continuing operations |
(2,747 |
) |
(2,683 |
) |
4,959 |
(8,009 |
) |
Cash flow from financing activities: |
Loans and borrowings |
Additions |
827 |
1,115 |
3,641 |
5,654 |
Repayments |
(4,537 |
) |
(8,895 |
) |
(21,350 |
) |
(18,327 |
) |
Transactions with stockholders: |
Dividends and interest on capital paid to stockholders |
(7,694 |
) |
(12,415 |
) |
(4,660 |
) |
Dividends and interest on capital paid to noncontrolling interests |
(315 |
) |
(372 |
) |
(625 |
) |
(395 |
) |
Share buyback program (note 24) |
(1,939 |
) |
(1,939 |
) |
Transactions with noncontrolling stockholders |
(56 |
) |
(305 |
) |
Net cash used in financing activities from continuing operations |
(13,658 |
) |
(8,152 |
) |
(32,744 |
) |
(18,033 |
) |
Net cash used in discontinued operations (note 12) |
(56 |
) |
(157 |
) |
(554 |
) |
Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents |
(959 |
) |
(3,600 |
) |
7,504 |
1,410 |
Cash and cash equivalents in the beginning of the period |
24,557 |
18,922 |
14,318 |
13,891 |
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents |
826 |
(380 |
) |
2,987 |
(315 |
) |
Effects of disposals of subsidiaries and merger, net of cash and cash equivalents |
7 |
(385 |
) |
(37 |
) |
Cash and cash equivalents at end of the period |
24,424 |
14,949 |
24,424 |
14,949 |
Non-cash transactions: |
Additions to property, plant and equipment - capitalized loans and borrowing costs |
197 |
351 |
551 |
938 |
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these interim financial statements.
Statement of Cash Flows
In millions of Brazilian reais
Parent company |
| ||
Nine-month period ended September 30, |
| ||
2018 |
2017 |
(Restated) |
Cash flow from operating activities: |
Income before income taxes from continuing operations |
10,826 |
19,890 |
Continuing operations adjustments for: |
Equity results in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures |
(4,688 |
) |
(5,349 |
) |
Impairment and other results on non-current assets and associates and joint ventures |
1,976 |
696 |
Depreciation, amortization and depletion |
4,464 |
4,124 |
Financial results, net |
17,806 |
5,055 |
Changes in assets and liabilities: |
Accounts receivable |
(5,094 |
) |
13,517 |
Inventories |
(254 |
) |
(346 |
) |
Suppliers and contractors |
1,448 |
81 |
Provision - Payroll, related charges and other remunerations |
(6 |
) |
483 |
Other assets and liabilities, net |
1,274 |
80 |
27,752 |
38,231 |
Interest on loans and borrowings paid |
(1,440 |
) |
(4,311 |
) |
Derivatives paid, net |
(288 |
) |
(439 |
) |
Interest on participative stockholders debentures paid |
(245 |
) |
(221 |
) |
Dividends received from interest on capital and associates |
1,913 |
1,602 |
Income taxes |
(72 |
) |
(735 |
) |
Income taxes - Settlement program |
(1,200 |
) |
(1,136 |
) |
Net cash provided by operating activities |
26,420 |
32,991 |
Cash flow from investing activities: |
Financial investments (invested) |
(230 |
) |
(195 |
) |
Loans and advances - net receipts (payments) |
3,667 |
(7,468 |
) |
Additions to property, plant and equipment, intangibles and investments |
(6,293 |
) |
(7,511 |
) |
Proceeds from disposal of assets and investments (note 12) |
466 |
21 |
Dividends and interest on capital received from subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures |
566 |
300 |
Others investing activities |
(128 |
) |
(87 |
) |
Net cash used in investing activities |
(1,952 |
) |
(14,940 |
) |
Cash flow from financing activities: |
Loans and borrowings |
Additions |
3,641 |
1,452 |
Repayments |
(12,825 |
) |
(12,705 |
) |
Transactions with stockholders: |
Dividends and interest on capital paid to stockholders |
(12,416 |
) |
(4,660 |
) |
Stock buy-back program |
(1,939 |
) |
Net cash used in financing activities |
(23,539 |
) |
(15,913 |
) |
Increase in cash and cash equivalents |
929 |
2,138 |
Cash and cash equivalents in the beginning of the period |
1,876 |
1,203 |
Effects of disposals of subsidiaries and merger, net of cash and cash equivalents |
7 |
Cash and cash equivalents at end of the period |
2,805 |
3,348 |
Non-cash transactions: |
Additions to property, plant and equipment - capitalized loans and borrowing costs |
548 |
938 |
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these interim financial statements.
Statement of Financial Position
In millions of Brazilian reais
Consolidated |
Parent company |
| ||||
Notes |
September 30, |
December 31, |
September 30, |
December 31, |
Assets |
Current assets |
Cash and cash equivalents |
16 |
24,424 |
14,318 |
2,805 |
1,876 |
Accounts receivable |
9 |
9,807 |
8,602 |
17,111 |
9,560 |
Other financial assets |
11 |
1,656 |
6,689 |
350 |
409 |
Inventories |
10 |
16,238 |
12,987 |
4,855 |
4,601 |
Prepaid income taxes |
2,583 |
2,584 |
2,418 |
2,378 |
Recoverable taxes |
3,799 |
3,876 |
1,818 |
2,091 |
Others |
2,079 |
1,780 |
944 |
1,542 |
60,586 |
50,836 |
30,301 |
22,457 |
Non-current assets held for sale |
12 |
11,865 |
7,082 |
60,586 |
62,701 |
30,301 |
29,539 |
Non-current assets |
Judicial deposits |
22(c) |
6,730 |
6,571 |
6,290 |
6,110 |
Other financial assets |
11 |
12,880 |
10,690 |
5,648 |
1,865 |
Prepaid income taxes |
2,246 |
1,754 |
Recoverable taxes |
2,173 |
2,109 |
2,093 |
2,062 |
Deferred income taxes |
7(a) |
22,875 |
21,959 |
15,409 |
14,200 |
Others |
1,084 |
882 |
1,308 |
810 |
47,988 |
43,965 |
30,748 |
25,047 |
Investments |
13 |
12,598 |
11,802 |
144,521 |
117,387 |
Intangibles |
14 |
31,190 |
28,094 |
15,254 |
13,471 |
Property, plant and equipment |
15 |
189,917 |
181,535 |
101,521 |
102,978 |
281,693 |
265,396 |
292,044 |
258,883 |
Total assets |
342,279 |
328,097 |
322,345 |
288,422 |
Liabilities |
Current liabilities |
Suppliers and contractors |
16,169 |
13,367 |
9,369 |
7,503 |
Loans and borrowings |
16 |
5,498 |
5,633 |
4,027 |
4,378 |
Other financial liabilities |
11 |
3,545 |
3,260 |
4,855 |
4,413 |
Taxes payable |
7(c) |
2,525 |
2,307 |
2,168 |
1,991 |
Provision for income taxes |
637 |
1,175 |
Liabilities related to associates and joint ventures |
17 |
1,171 |
1,080 |
1,171 |
1,080 |
Provisions |
21 |
4,697 |
4,610 |
2,788 |
2,904 |
Dividends and interest on capital |
4,742 |
4,439 |
Others |
2,476 |
3,284 |
2,717 |
2,552 |
36,718 |
39,458 |
27,095 |
29,260 |
Liabilities associated with non-current assets held for sale |
12 |
3,899 |
36,718 |
43,357 |
27,095 |
29,260 |
Non-current liabilities |
Loans and borrowings |
16 |
61,808 |
68,759 |
23,625 |
28,966 |
Other financial liabilities |
11 |
11,284 |
9,575 |
74,882 |
54,955 |
Taxes payable |
7(c) |
15,448 |
16,176 |
15,140 |
15,853 |
Deferred income taxes |
7(a) |
6,852 |
5,687 |
Provisions |
21 |
25,492 |
23,243 |
7,901 |
6,900 |
Liabilities related to associates and joint ventures |
17 |
3,045 |
2,216 |
3,045 |
2,216 |
Deferred revenue - Gold stream |
6,684 |
6,117 |
Others |
8,254 |
4,861 |
7,399 |
6,514 |
138,867 |
136,634 |
131,992 |
115,404 |
Total liabilities |
175,585 |
179,991 |
159,087 |
144,664 |
Stockholders equity |
24 |
Equity attributable to Vales stockholders |
163,258 |
143,758 |
163,258 |
143,758 |
Equity attributable to noncontrolling interests |
3,436 |
4,348 |
Total stockholders equity |
166,694 |
148,106 |
163,258 |
143,758 |
Total liabilities and stockholders equity |
342,279 |
328,097 |
322,345 |
288,422 |
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these interim financial statements.
Statement of Changes in Equity
In millions of Brazilian reais
Share |
Results on |
Capital |
Results from |
Profit |
Treasury |
Unrealized |
Cumulative |
Retained |
Equity |
Equity |
Total |
Balance at December 31, 2017 |
77,300 |
50 |
3,634 |
(2,663 |
) |
24,539 |
(2,746 |
) |
(3,912 |
) |
47,556 |
143,758 |
4,348 |
148,106 |
Net income |
11,171 |
11,171 |
(58 |
) |
11,113 |
Other comprehensive income: |
Retirement benefit obligations |
112 |
(51 |
) |
61 |
61 |
Net investments hedge |
(2,338 |
) |
(2,338 |
) |
(2,338 |
) |
Fair value adjustment to investment in equity securities |
873 |
873 |
873 |
Translation adjustments |
327 |
19,039 |
19,366 |
200 |
19,566 |
Transactions with stockholders: |
Dividends and interest on capital of Vales stockholders |
(7,694 |
) |
(7,694 |
) |
(7,694 |
) |
Dividends of noncontrolling interest |
(318 |
) |
(318 |
) |
Acquisitions and disposal of noncontrolling interest |
(756 |
) |
(756 |
) |
Capitalization of noncontrolling interest advances |
20 |
20 |
Share buyback program |
(1,939 |
) |
(1,939 |
) |
(1,939 |
) |
Balance at September 30, 2018 |
77,300 |
50 |
3,634 |
(2,663 |
) |
24,539 |
(4,685 |
) |
(2,600 |
) |
64,257 |
3,426 |
163,258 |
3,436 |
166,694 |
Share |
Results on |
Capital |
Results from |
Profit |
Treasury |
Unrealized |
Cumulative |
Retained |
Equity |
Equity |
Total |
Balance at December 31, 2016 |
77,300 |
50 |
(1,870 |
) |
13,698 |
(2,746 |
) |
(3,739 |
) |
44,548 |
127,241 |
6,461 |
133,702 |
Net income |
15,094 |
15,094 |
187 |
15,281 |
Other comprehensive income: |
Retirement benefit obligations |
(573 |
) |
(573 |
) |
(573 |
) |
Net investments hedge |
339 |
339 |
339 |
Translation adjustments |
72 |
(373 |
) |
(301 |
) |
(113 |
) |
(414 |
) |
Transactions with stockholders: |
Dividends and interest on capital of Vales stockholders |
(2,064 |
) |
(2,064 |
) |
(2,064 |
) |
Dividends of noncontrolling interest |
(341 |
) |
(341 |
) |
Acquisitions and disposal of noncontrolling interest |
(868 |
) |
(868 |
) |
(1,629 |
) |
(2,497 |
) |
Capitalization of noncontrolling interest advances |
106 |
106 |
Merger of Valepar |
3,692 |
3,692 |
3,692 |
Balance at September 30, 2017 |
77,300 |
50 |
3,692 |
(2,738 |
) |
11,634 |
(2,746 |
) |
(4,240 |
) |
44,514 |
15,094 |
142,560 |
4,671 |
147,231 |
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these interim financial statements.
In millions of Brazilian Reais
Consolidated |
Parent company |
| ||||
Nine-month period ended September 30, |
| ||||||
2018 |
2017 |
2018 |
2017 |
Generation of value added from continuing operations |
Gross revenue |
Revenue from products and services |
98,168 |
79,771 |
57,701 |
47,793 |
Impairment and other results on non-current assets |
(749 |
) |
345 |
(305 |
) |
(326 |
) |
Revenue from the construction of own assets |
8,271 |
4,657 |
5,302 |
4,165 |
Expected credit losses |
(10 |
) |
(19 |
) |
(5 |
) |
6 |
Other revenues |
7,462 |
396 |
3,238 |
313 |
Less: |
Acquisition of products |
(1,228 |
) |
(1,483 |
) |
(534 |
) |
(516 |
) |
Material, service and maintenance |
(24,918 |
) |
(19,353 |
) |
(13,973 |
) |
(12,183 |
) |
Oil and gas |
(4,051 |
) |
(3,015 |
) |
(2,640 |
) |
(2,074 |
) |
Energy |
(2,497 |
) |
(2,226 |
) |
(1,271 |
) |
(1,057 |
) |
Freight |
(11,414 |
) |
(7,374 |
) |
(112 |
) |
(81 |
) |
Impairment and other results in associates and joint ventures |
(1,671 |
) |
(379 |
) |
(1,671 |
) |
(370 |
) |
Impairment of discontinued operations |
(1,004 |
) |
Other costs and expenses |
(9,627 |
) |
(4,582 |
) |
(5,979 |
) |
(763 |
) |
Gross value added |
57,736 |
46,738 |
39,751 |
33,903 |
Depreciation, amortization and depletion |
(9,322 |
) |
(8,674 |
) |
(4,464 |
) |
(4,124 |
) |
Net value added |
48,414 |
38,064 |
35,287 |
29,779 |
Received from third parties |
Equity results from entities |
584 |
509 |
4,688 |
4,345 |
Equity results from descontinued operations |
1,004 |
Financial income |
1,114 |
1,054 |
209 |
302 |
Monetary and exchange variation of assets |
2,087 |
(276 |
) |
2,746 |
(404 |
) |
Total value added from continuing operations to be distributed |
52,199 |
39,351 |
42,930 |
35,026 |
Value added from discontinued operations to be distributed |
63 |
482 |
Total value added to be distributed |
52,262 |
39,833 |
42,930 |
35,026 |