SOURCE: ScottsMiracle-Gro
As water quality issues continue to become environmental and health hazards across the United States, The Scotts Miracle-Gro Foundation is convening its National Partner Network to discuss real-world solutions. On May 7, ScottsMiracle-Gro will virtually convene over 40 individuals from 18 top environmental organizations across the nation. The meeting will focus on clean water issues and how each organization is working to address them, with a special emphasis on how diverse individuals and organizations can come together to work toward solutions.
The organizations comprising the National Partner Network focus much of their work on water quality and water conservation. Each year, the groups meet to share ideas, discuss the challenges facing their unique waterways, and talk about the measures they are implementing to address them. While last year’s meeting was also held virtually, in previous years, the network has convened in Oyster Bay, Long Island, and Chesapeake Bay.
Members of The Scotts Miracle-Gro Foundation’s National Partner Network include Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay, Alliance for the Great Lakes, Alliance for Water Efficiency, Council for Watershed Health, The Everglades Foundation, Galveston Bay Foundation, National Association of Conservation Districts, National Recreation and Park Association, New Jersey League of Conservation Voters, North Shore Land Alliance, Ocean Research & Conservation Association, The Ohio Environmental Council, Restore America's Estuaries, Save the Bay, Tampa Bay Watch and The Nature Conservancy in Ohio and New York.
For more information about ScottsMiracle-Gro’s commitment to water stewardship, visit
KEYWORDS: NYSE: SMG, Scotts Miracle Gro, Oyster Bay, Chesapeake Bay, The Scotts Miracle-Gro Foundation