WASHINGTON, D. C. 20549

                                   FORM 10-K/A

                     OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                  For the fiscal year ended September 30, 2000


                     OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                  For the transition period from _____ to _____

                         Commission file number 0-16473

                                SSE TELECOM, INC.
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

                DELAWARE                                    52-1466297
    (State or other jurisdiction of                      (I.R.S. Employer
     incorporation or organization)                     Identification No.)

        47823 Westinghouse Drive                              94539
        Fremont, California                                 (Zip Code)
        (Address of principal executive office)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code: (510) 657-7552

Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act: None

Securities  registered  pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act: Common Stock,  Par
Value $0.01

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the  preceding 12 months (or for such  shorter  period that the  registrant  was
required  to file  such  reports),  and  (2) has  been  subject  to such  filing
requirements for the past 90 days. Yes _X_ No ___

Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent  filers  pursuant to Item 405
Regulation S-K is not contained herein,  and will not be contained,  to the best
of  registrant's  knowledge,  in  definitive  proxy  or  information  statements
incorporated  by  reference in Part III of this Form 10-K or any  amendments  to
this Form 10-K. [ ]

The aggregate market value of voting common stock held by  non-affiliates of the
Registrant,  based upon the  closing  sale price of Common  Stock on December 8,
2000 as reported on the Nasdaq National Market,  was  approximately  $3,423,000.
Shares of common  stock held by each officer and director and by each person who
owns 5% or more of the outstanding  Common Stock have been excluded in that such
persons may be deemed affiliates.  This determination of affiliate status is not
necessarily a conclusive  determination for other purposes. On December 8, 2000,
there were 6,257,608 shares of the Registrant's common stock issued.



                                    PART III


         The  following  table sets forth  information  regarding  the Company's
directors as of January 12, 2001:

            NAME                AGE         POSITION HELD WITH THE COMPANY

Mr. Leon F. Blachowicz           61         President, Chief  Executive Officer
                                              and Director
Mr. Frank Trumbower              63         Chairman of the Board of Directors
Mr. Joseph T. Pisula             59         Director
Mr. Lawrence W. Roberts          61         Director
Mr. D. Jonathan Merriman         40         Director

         Mr.  Leon F.  Blachowicz  has  served  as  President,  Chief  Executive
Officer,  and Director of the Company  since April 1998,  the date he joined the
Company. He has also served as a member of the Nominating Committee of the Board
of  Directors  since  April  1998.  From  1995  to  1998,  he was at  California
Microwave,  Inc. and served as Group  President  of the  Wireless and  Satellite
Communications Group. From 1989 to 1995 he was Vice President/General Manager of
Varian  Associates,  Microwave  Products  Division,  a manufacturer of satellite
communication  equipment.  Mr.  Blachowicz  earned his M.A. and B.A.  degrees in
Electrical Engineering from the University of Florida.

         Mr. Frank  Trumbower  has served as our Chairman  since May 1999,  as a
member of our Board of Directors  from 1989 to 1994 and from 1995 to 1997 and as
our President and Chief  Executive  Officer from 1990 to 1994. From 1990 to 1994
he also  served  as the  President  and Chief  Executive  Officer  of  DirectSat
Corporation,  a Direct  Broadcast  Satellite  (DBS) licensee partly owned by the
Company.  Mr.  Trumbower is  currently  the  President  of Cambridge  Technology
Partners,    Inc.,   a   private   venture   capital   firm    specializing   in
telecommunications  and related computer  technology.  Mr.  Trumbower  currently
serves as a member of the board of  directors  of  Cambridge  Technology  Group,
Inc., Cambridge Technology Partners, Inc., Cambridge Research Associates,  Inc.,
Avenel Capital  Management,  Inc., Prinz (USA)  Distributors,  Inc., and Network
Storage  Solutions,  Inc. Mr. Trumbower received a degree from the University of
San Francisco and, as a Marshall Scholar, did graduate work in microeconomics at
the London School of Economics.

         Mr.  Joseph T.  Pisula has served as a Director  of the  Company  since
March  1995.  He has served as a member of the Audit  Committee  of the Board of
Directors since 1995.  Since July 2000, he has served as Chairman of iSolutions,
Inc., a company engaged in e-business  consulting.  From June 1998 to July 2000,
he served as  President  and Chief  Executive  Officer of TSI TelSys,  Corp.,  a
manufacturer of  high-performance  digital  telemetry  processing and simulation
systems  for ground  station  terminals  used in the  satellite  remote  sensing
market.  From October 1996 until April 1998 he was President and Chief Executive
Officer of Network Storage Solutions, Inc., a network-attached storage appliance
manufacturer.  From  February  1995 to May  1996,  he was  President  and  Chief
Operating  Officer of Treev Inc.,  (formerly,  Network  Image  Corporation),  an
enterprise  client-server  software company.  From April 1993 to September 1994,
Mr.  Pisula was Chairman  and Chief  Executive  Officer of Digital  Transmission
System Inc., a telecommunications  equipment  manufacturer.  Mr. Pisula received
his M.A. in Business  Administration  from the  University  of Rochester and his
B.S. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Pittsburgh.

         Mr.  Lawrence W.  Roberts  has served as Director of the Company  since
June  1997.  He has  served  as a  member  of the  Compensation  and  Nominating
Committees  of the  Board of  Directors  since  1997.  Since  1985,  he has been
President  and a Director of  Technology  Strategies  &  Alliances,  a strategic
investment banking firm specializing in the technology industry. Since September
2000,  Mr.  Roberts  has been a  Managing  Partner of Rocket  Management  LLC, a
venture  management and investment firm. He received his M.B.A. from the Harvard
Graduate School of Business  Administration,  an M.A. in International Relations
from American University and a B.A. from the University of Louisville.

         Mr. D. Jonathan  Merriman has served as a Director of the Company since
October  1999.  Since  October 2000 he has been the Chief  Executive  Officer of
RateXchange  Corporation  a company  involved  in the  brokering  of  bandwidth.
Previously Mr. Merriman was the Senior Managing Director in charge of the Equity
Capital  Markets Group at First  Security Van Kasper and Company,  an investment
banking and  brokerage  firm,  and oversaw the  research,  institutional  sales,
equity trading,  syndicate,  and derivatives trading departments.  He was also a
member of

Van Kasper's  management,  executive and commitment  committees as we as the Van
Kasper Advisors  investment  committee.  He received a B.A. degree in psychology
from Dartmouth College and an M.B.A. from New York University's  Graduate School
of Business.

         Section 16(a) Beneficial  Ownership Reporting  Compliance Section 16(a)
of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934  requires the  Company's  officers and
directors,  and persons who own more than ten  percent of the Common  Stock,  to
file  reports of  ownership  and changes in ownership  with the  Securities  and
Exchange  Commission.  Based on this review of the copies of such forms received
by it, the  Company  believes  that all filing  requirements  applicable  to its
officers,  directors,  and  greater  than  ten-percent  beneficial  owners  were
complied with.


                           SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

         The  following  table shows for the fiscal  years ended  September  30,
2000,  September 25, 1999, and September 26, 1998,  compensation awarded or paid
to, or earned by, the Company's Chief Executive  Officer and its other four most
highly compensated executive officers (the "Named Executive Officers"):

                                                               Annual Compensation      Compensation
                                                              ----------------------    ------------
                                                                                         Underlying       All Other
Name and Principal Position                                   Salary          Bonus        Options      Compensation
                                                     Year       ($)            ($)           (#)             ($)
                                                     ----      -------        ------        ------        --------

Leon F. Blachowicz                                   2000      259,609        46,500        50,000        3,513 (1)
   President and Chief                               1999      235,000       100,000        75,000        3,058 (1)
   Executive Officer                                 1998       88,576 (2)         -       150,000          623 (3)

Michael B. Wytyshyn                                  2000      192,510             -        10,000        3,579 (4)
   Executive Vice President                          1999      184,995        35,000       100,000        3,933 (4)
   Business Development                              1998       60,479 (2)         -             -        1,972 (5)

Myron B. Gilbert                                     2000      154,060        11,000        25,000        3,579 (4)
   Executive Vice President                          1999      136,864        20,000        50,000        2,925 (4)
   Operations                                        1998       32,694 (2)         -             -          623 (3)

George M. Walley                                     2000      175,062        11,040        70,000        4,124 (4)
   Executive Vice President                          1999      137,088         4,595        10,000        7,933 (5)
   Product Development                               1998       18,000 (2)     5,000        30,000           60 (3)

James J. Commendatore                                2000      162,401        30,000        35,000        3,006 (4)
   Chief Financial Officer                           1999      117,113 (2)    10,000        50,000        2,679 (4)
                                                     1998            -             -             -            -


(1)  Includes employee insurance and imputed interest on employee loans.

(2)  Employed for less than a full year.

(3)  Includes employee insurance.

(4)  Includes  employee  insurance,  401k  benefits,  and  imputed  interest  on
     employee loans.

(5)  Includes employee  insurance,  401k benefits,  imputed interest on employee
     loans and a temporary housing allowance of $6,400.


         The Company may grant options to its executive  officers under its 1997
Equity  Participation  Plan or its 1992 Stock Option Plan.  Percentage  of total
options  as set forth  below was  calculated  based on  option  to  purchase  an
aggregate  of  1,271,325  shares of common stock  granted  under our plans.  The
potential  realizable  value as set  forth  below  was  calculated  based on the
five-year term of the option and assumed rates of stock  appreciation  of 5% and
10%  compounded  annually  from the  date  the  options  were  granted  to their
expiration  date based on the fair market  value of the Common Stock on the date
of grant.  Options are granted to purchase  Common  Stock at exercise  prices no
less than 100% of the  market  value of the  stock on the  grant  date.  Options
generally  vest in a series of annual  installments  beginning  from the vesting
start  date and  extending  through  the next four years of  service.  The stock
option  agreements  provide that options granted to all employees will vest upon
any "change in control" of the Company, as defined by the agreements.

         The following tables show for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2000,
certain information regarding options granted to, exercised by, and held at year
end by, the Named Executive Officers:

                                           OPTION GRANTS IN LAST FISCAL YEAR

                                                                                           Potential Realizable
                                                                                             Values at Assumed
                                                                                           Annual Rates of Stock
                                              % of Total                                    Price Appreciation
                                Number of      Options                                        For Option Term
                                Securities     Granted to                                      (5 Years)
                                Underlying     Employees       Price       Expiration     ----------------------
            Name                 Options      Fiscal Year    Per Share        Date         5% ($)        10% ($)
------------------------------  ----------    -----------    ---------     ----------     -------       --------

Leon F. Blachowicz               50,000          3.93%        $2.15         10/25/04       30,083        66,113

Michael B. Wytyshyn              10,000          0.79%        $5.75         04/13/05       15,886        35,104

Myron B. Gilbert                 15,000          1.18%        $5.75         04/13/05       23,830        52,656
                                 10,000          0.79%        $2.15         10/25/04        6,016        13,223

George M. Walley                 40,000          3.15%        $5.75         04/13/05       63,545       140,417
                                 30,000          2.36%        $2.15         10/25/04       18,050        39,668

James J. Commendatore            20,000          1.57%        $5.75         04/13/05       31,772        70,209
                                 15,000          1.18%        $2.15         10/25/04        9,025        19,834


                                                                                         Value of Unexercised
                                Shares                   Number of Unexercised           in-the-Money Options
                               Acquired       Value    Options at Fiscal Year End       at Fiscal Year End (2)
                             on Exercise    Realized  ----------------------------   ----------------------------
           Name                  (#)         ($) (1)  Exercisable    Unexercisable   Exercisable    Unexercisable
           ----                  ---         -------  -----------    -------------   -----------    -------------

Leon F. Blachowicz                 -              -      93,750        181,250          14,719         69,656
Michael B. Wytyshyn                -              -      25,000         85,000          11,813         35,438
Myron B. Gilbert              12,500        118,750           0         62,500               0         11,100
George M. Walley              10,000         66,973       7,500         92,500          10,125         36,750
James J. Commendatore              -              -      12,500         72,500           8,250         32,400


(1)  Market value of  underlying  securities  based on the closing  price of the
     Company's Common Stock on the date of exercise minus the exercise price.

(2)  Market value of  underlying  securities  based on the closing  price of the
     Company's  Common  Stock on September  29, 1999 (last  trading day prior to
     September 30, 2000) on the Nasdaq National Market system of $2.66 minus the
     exercise price.

                              EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENTS

         In April 1998 the Company entered into an employment agreement with Mr.
Blachowicz to serve as its President and Chief Executive Officer. Mr. Blachowicz
received a base salary of $235,000 per year.  In  addition,  Mr.  Blachowicz  is
entitled to receive an annual bonus, a portion of which is  guaranteed,  payable
in cash and/or stock  options with a target range of sixty percent (60%) of base
salary upon the Company's achieving certain  pre-established goals determined by
the Board. In addition,  the Company committed to grant Mr. Blachowicz an option
to purchase an aggregate of 250,000  shares of its Common Stock of which 150,000
shares were granted upon execution of the agreement.

         In May 1998 the Company  entered into an employment  agreement with Mr.
Wytyshyn to serve as its Executive Vice President of Business  Development.  Mr.
Wytyshyn  received an annual base salary of $185,000 per year. In addition,  Mr.
Wytyshyn  is entitled to receive an annual  bonus  payable in cash and/or  stock
options  with a target  range of fifty  percent  (50%) of base  salary  upon the
Company's  achieving certain  pre-established  goals determined by the Board. In
addition,  the Company  committed to grant Mr. Wytyshyn an option to purchase an
aggregate  of 100,000  shares of its Common  Stock of which  75,000  shares were
granted upon execution of the agreement.

         In May 1998, the Company entered into an employment  agreement with Mr.
Gilbert to serve as its Executive  Vice  President of  Operations.  Mr.  Gilbert
received an annual base salary of $125,000 per year. In addition, Mr. Gilbert is
entitled to receive an annual bonus  payable in cash and/or stock options with a
target range of forty percent (40%) of base salary upon the Company's  achieving
certain  pre-established goals determined by the Board. In addition, the Company
granted Mr.  Gilbert an option to purchase an aggregate of 50,000  shares of its
Common Stock.

         In November 1998, the Company entered into an employment agreement with
Mr.  Commendatore  to serve as its Executive Vice President and Chief  Financial
Officer. Mr. Commendatore received an initial annual base salary of $145,000 per
year.  In  addition,  Mr.  Commendatore  is entitled to receive an annual  bonus
payable in cash and/or stock  options with a target range of forty percent (40%)
of base  salary  upon the  Company's  achieving  certain  pre-established  goals
determined by the Board. In addition,  the Company  granted Mr.  Commendatore an
option to purchase an aggregate of 50,000 shares of its Common stock.

         In February 1999, the Company entered into an employment agreement with
Mr. Walley to serve as its Executive Vice President of Product Development.  Mr.
Walley received an initial annual base salary of $138,000 per year. In addition,
Mr.  Walley is entitled to receive an annual bonus payable in cash and /or stock
options  with a target  range of forty  percent  (40%) of base  salary  upon the
Company's  achieving certain  pre-established  goals determined by the Board. In
addition,  the Company  agreed to pay a temporary  mortgage  allowance  of up to
$1,600 a month for up to six months from the date of the agreement.

         In July 2000, the Company entered into an employment agreement with Mr.
Mossman to serve as its Executive  Vice  President of Sales and  Marketing.  Mr.
Mossman  received  an  initial  annual  base  salary of  $160,000  per year.  In
addition,  Mr. Walley is entitled to receive an annual bonus payable in cash and
/or stock options with a target range of forty percent (40%) of base salary upon
the Company's achieving certain  pre-established  goals determined by the Board.
The first year management  bonus,  for fiscal year 2000, is guaranteed at 40% of
base salary,  prorated for months  employed in the balance of the fiscal  year..
The second year management bonus,  fiscal year 2001, is guaranteed at the 40% of
then base salary.  In addition,  the Company agreed to pay Mr. Mossman a $25,000
signing bonus and granted him a non-secured  interest free loan of $40,000 for a
term of two years.

         In accordance with all the agreements, subsequent to the fiscal year of
initial  employment,  annual base salary is to be  determined  by the  Company's
Board of  Directors.  In  addition,  if any of the named  executive  officers is
terminated  without  cause,  (a) within the first  twelve  month period from the
effective date of the employment agreements,  the executive shall be entitled to
receive, and shall receive continuing compensation

substantially  equivalent  to their then  current  compensation  for a period of
twelve  months  from the date of  termination,  payable in monthly  installments
during the twelve  month  period  following  termination,  (b) within the second
twelve  month  period from the  effective  date,  the  executive  shall  receive
continuing   compensation  for  a  period  of  nine  months  from  the  date  of
termination,  payable in monthly  installments  during the twelve  month  period
following  termination;  and (c) within the third  twelve  month period from the
effective date, the executive shall receive continuing compensation for a period
of six months  from the date of  termination,  payable  in monthly  installments
during  the  twelve  month  period  following  termination.  If any of the named
executive  officers are terminated  upon a change in control,  such  termination
shall be termination  without cause.  All executive  officers have agreed not to
(i) compete with the Company for the six (6) month period following  termination
or during the period in which he  receives  such salary  continuation  payments,
whichever is longer or (ii) during the term of their agreements,  or at any time
during the two year period  thereafter,  divulge,  furnish or make accessible to
anyone other than the Company, the directors and officers of the Company, unless
otherwise in the regular course of the business of the Company, any knowledge of
confidential information.


         The  following  table  sets forth  certain  information  regarding  the
ownership of the Company's  Common Stock as of January 12, 2001 by: (i) each for
director;  (ii) each of the executive officers named in the Summary Compensation
Table; (iii) all executive officers and directors of the Company as a group; and
(iv) all those  known by the Company to be  beneficial  owners of more than five
percent of its Common  Stock.  The  address  for each  director,  and  executive
officer  named in the table is 47823  Westinghouse  Drive,  Fremont,  California
94539; the address for Alcatel Telspace, S.A. is 5 Rue Noel Pons, 92734 Nanterre
Cedex,  France; and the address for Cannell Capital Management is 600 California
Street, San Francisco, California 94108.

                                                    Beneficial Ownership (1)
                                                      Number        Percent
Beneficial Owner                                     of Shares      of Total
---------------------------------------------       -----------    ---------
Directors and Executive Officers :
Leon F. Blachowicz (2)..............................    170,000       2.8
Frank S. Trumbower (3)..............................    551,176       9.1
D. Jonathan Merriman(4).............................      3,333       *

Joseph T. Pisula(5).................................     13,332       *
Lawrence W. Roberts (6).............................      9,332       *

Myron B. Gilbert (7)................................     65,000       1.1
Daryl L. Mossman                                          5,700       *
James J. Commendatore (8)...........................     39,512       *
George M. Walley (9)................................     38,422       *
Directors and Executive Officers as a Group             882,475      14.6
(nine persons) (10).................................

Five Percent Stockholders:
Alcatel Telspace, S.A...............................    625,000      10.4
Cannell Capital Management (11).....................    700,000      11.6


     *    Less than one percent.

(1)  This table is based upon  information  supplied by officers,  directors and
     principal  stockholders and Schedules 13D and 13G filed with the Securities
     and Exchange Commission (the "SEC").  Beneficial ownership is determined in
     accordance  with the  rules of the SEC and  generally  includes  voting  or
     investment  power  with  respect  to  securities.  Except as  indicated  by
     footnote,  and subject to community  property  laws where  applicable,  the
     persons named in the table above have sole voting and investment

     power  with  respect to all shares of Common  Stock  shown as  beneficially
     owned by them.  Percentage  of  beneficial  ownership is based on 6,032,985
     shares of Common  Stock  outstanding  as of January 12,  2001,  adjusted as
     required by rules promulgated by the SEC.

(2)  Includes  125,000 shares subject to options  exercisable  within 60 days of
     January 12, 2001.

(3)  Includes  8,333  shares  subject to options  exercisable  within 60 days of
     January 12, 200. The number of shares also includes 192,827 shares owned by
     Mr.  Trumbower's  spouse,  as to which Mr. Trumbower  disclaims  beneficial
     ownership,  and 16,667 shares held by Prescap Limited  Partnership of which
     Mr. Trumbower is a general partner. Also,

(4)  Includes  3,333  shares  subject to options  exercisable  within 60 days of
     January 12, 2001.

(5)  Includes  13,332 shares  subject to options  exercisable  within 60 days of
     January 12, 2001.

(6)  Includes  3,334  shares  subject to options  exercisable  within 60 days of
     January 12, 2001.

(7)  Includes  15,000 shares  subject to options  exercisable  within 60 days of
     January 12, 2001.

(8)  Includes  28,750 shares  subject to options  exercisable  within 60 days of
     January 12, 2001.

(9)  Includes  17,500 shares  subject to options  exercisable  within 60 days of
     January 12, 2001.

(10) Includes the Directors and Executive Officers named in the table.

(11) Based on a Schedule 13G filed  January 12,  2000,  J. Carlo  Cannell  D/B/A
     Cannell Capital  Management has shared  dispositive power and shared voting
     power with respect to 700,000 shares of the Company's Common Stock.




     Pursuant  to the  requirements  of  Section  13 or 15(d) of the  Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, as amended,  the registrant has duly caused this report to
be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                                             SSE TELECOM, INC.

Dated: January 29, 2001                      /s/ LEON F. BLACHOWICZ
                                             Leon F. Blachowicz
                                             Chief Executive Officer

     Pursuant to the  requirements of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, this
report  has  been  signed  below  by the  following  persons  on  behalf  of the
Registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated:

SIGNATURE                                   TITLE                               DATE
---------                                   -----                               ----

/s/ FRANK S. TRUMBOWER                      Chairman of the Board               January 29, 2001
Frank Trumbower

/s/ LEON F. BLACHOWICZ                      Director and                        January 29, 2001
-----------------------                     Chief Executive Officer
Leon F. Blachowicz                          (Principle Executive Officer)

/s/ JAMES J. COMMENDATORE                   Chief Financial Officer             January 29, 2001
-------------------------                   (Principle Finance and
James J. Commendatore                       Accounting Officer)

/s/ JOSEPH T. PISULA                        Director                            January 29, 2001
Joseph T. Pisula

/s/ OLIN L. WETHINGTON                      Director                            January 29, 2001
Olin L. Wethington

/s/ LAWRENCE W. ROBERTS                     Director                           January 29, 2001
Lawrence W. Roberts

/s/ D. JONATHAN  MERRIMAN                   Director                           January 29, 2001
D. Jonathan Merriman