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Report of Foreign Private Issuer
Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16 of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934

For the month of May, 2008

Commission File Number 1-15106

(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

Brazilian Petroleum Corporation - PETROBRAS
(Translation of Registrant's name into English)

Avenida República do Chile, 65
20031-912 - Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Federative Republic of Brazil
(Address of principal executive office)

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(Rio de Janeiro – May 12, 2008) – PETRÓLEO BRASILEIRO S.A. – Petrobras announces today its consolidated results expressed in millions of Brazilian Reais, in accordance with generally accepted accounting practices in Brazil (BR GAAP).

Consolidated net income in the 1Q-2008 moved up 68% year-on-year, thanks to the decline in operating expenses and the positive first-quarter impact of the reduced appreciation of the Real on the financial result. The increase in oil and gas production and the upturn in oil and oil product prices also contributed to the improved performance.

In comparison with the 4Q-2007, consolidated net income moved up by 37%, for the same reasons mentioned above, with a greater weight towards the reduction in operating expenses and a lesser emphasis on the price aspect.

The Company’s market capitalization increased by 69% year-on-year, mostly due to the oil and gas discoveries in the pre-salt layer, the new exploratory frontier, and potential production growth.

EBITDA climbed 26% year-on-year, largely due to reduced expenses, especially those related to taxes and the pension plan. In comparison with the 4Q-2007, EBITDA moved up 15%, largely thanks to lower exploration costs (dry wells), reduced general and administrative expenses and the non-occurrence of tax losses and losses from the recovery of assets.

The strong operating result and high cash flow in the 1Q-2008 allowed for substantial period investments as well as the payment of R$ 4.07 billion in interest on equity.

Average oil and gas production edged up 2% year-on-year due to the start-up of the FPSO-Cidade do Rio de Janeiro (Espadarte), Piranema (Piranema), Cidade de Vitória (Golfinho), P-52 (Roncador) and P-54 (Roncador) platforms. It is especially worth highlighting domestic natural gas output, which increased by 11% year-on-year and 10% quarter-over-quarter.

Due to delays associated with the availability of offshore support vessels in the 1Q-2008, oil production was not as high as originally expected and output from the P-52 and P-54 platforms will only reach maximum level in the second half of the year. In addition, difficulties related to maintaining pressure in the Golfinho reservoir hampered production from this field.

This document is divided into five topics::         
Financial Performance    05    Financial Statements    35 
Operating Performance    10         
Financial Statements    24         
Appendices    32         


The Petrobras System’s investments in the 1Q-2008 moved up 23% year-on-year but fell 31% over the previous quarter.

The Petrobras System’s added value was 15% higher than in the 1Q-2007 and 10% more than in the 4Q-2007.


Statement by the CEO, José Sergio Gabrielli de Azevedo.

It gives us enormous satisfaction to be presenting the Company’s outstanding results for the first quarter of 2008, when we recorded a net income of R$ 6,925 million, 68% up year-on-year and one of the best first-quarter results in our history.

In the opening months of 2008, we gathered and published new data on the discoveries in the pre-salt layer of the Santos Basin. In January, we announced the confirmation of a major natural gas and condensate deposit in the Júpiter area of the BM-S-24 block. The well is 37 km east of Tupi and the reservoir is at a depth of around 5,100 meters.

Short-term swings in oil prices have a direct impact on the price of oil products, primarily by hitting the cost of refining inputs, although their pass-through to oil products depends on the specific conditions of each market and the behavior of the exchange rate. Last quarter, we were faced with a combination of an accelerated upturn in the price of crude oil, relatively stable national production and only a slight appreciation of the Real against the dollar, all of which squeezed refining margins.

In order to ensure the profitability of our Supply business, we have to make massive investments in conversion capacity, given that the vast majority of our domestic oil output consists of heavy crude. Huge investments in the E&P segment are equally necessary, as we try to take the maximum possible advantage of the favorable oil price scenario, monetizing current reserves and future discoveries. Both investments (E&P and Supply) jeopardize short-term cash flow, while their returns, given the lengthy maturation period of oil industry projects, will only become apparent in the future, therefore generating a temporary cash-flow mismatch. Thus the Company’s pricing policy, which seeks alignment in the medium to long term, has two main objectives: protecting the market from excessive short-term volatility and at the same time ensuring sufficient financing capacity for the investments needed to develop its business.

In May, in line with our policy of aligning prices with the international market in the medium to long-term, we adjusted our Brazilian refinery-gate gasoline and diesel prices. The process was handled with the utmost transparency and considered not only the commercial and economic aspects, but also the relative weight of our activities in Brazil’s economy and the impact the adjustments could have.

In the coming months, Petrobras will continue to focus on this promising region, assessing the potential of the existing pre-salt reserves. With this in mind, the Board of Directors created an exclusive department, directly subordinate to the E&P division executive, to take charge of all matters related to the pre-salt discoveries. Its main responsibility will be to coordinate the ongoing evaluation plans as well as to implant the long duration test (LDT) and initiate pilot production in Tupi, initially scheduled for 2009 and 2010 respectively.

We also expanded our international operations. In Peru, in association with other oil companies, we discovered a gas reservoir in Block 57, in Cuzco province. In the American section of the Mexican Gulf, we picked up 22 deep-water and ultra-deep-water blocks at the auction organized by the Minerals Management Service, the US offshore mineral resources regulator. As a result of these new concessions, there are now 221 exploratory blocks in the region, 157 of which operated by Petrobras.


We also signed an agreement with PDVSA, the Venezuelan state-owned oil company, establishing the groundwork for a joint venture in the Abreu e Lima Refinery, in Pernambuco, whose investments are estimated at US$ 4.05 billion. The refinery will be capable of processing 200,000 barrels of heavy crude per day. Petrobras will own 60% of the undertaking and PDVSA 40%. The refinery will play a key role in expanding our domestic production of diesel, the country’s most widely-consumed oil product. Start-up is scheduled for the second half of 2010.

In the petrochemical area, we continued to consolidate our holdings in Brazil. In February, Ultrapar transferred the Ipiranga companies’ petrochemical assets to Petrobras. In the following month, the AGM approved the incorporation of UPB Participações S.A., a wholly-owned Petrobras subsidiary.

The same meeting also approved a 1:2 split of the Company’s shares and ADRs. Following the split, each ADR was still equivalent to two shares.

Fully committed to expanding its share of biofuels, Petrobras announced the creation of a wholly-owned subsidiary to concentrate all activities related to the subject, which are currently dispersed through several Company areas and subsidiaries. The new firm will handle ethanol production, the acquisition of inputs and the processing of biodiesel, as well as administering future investments.

I cannot end without mentioning Brazil’s upgrading to investment grade status by the ratings agency Standard & Poor’s. This “promotion” means that international investors’ will be regarding the country in a considerably more favorable light, thanks to the lower risk associated with prospects of greater stability and predictability and Brazilian companies should benefit from new stock and bond acquisitions by foreign investors. In the case of Petrobras itself, the new climate will almost certainly make it easier to finance our operations.

Finally, I would like to reiterate our determination and technical capacity to overcome any challenges that may present themselves, maintaining our focus on profitability and social and environmental responsibility.


PETROBRAS SYSTEM  Financial Performance 

Net Income and Consolidated Economic Indicators

Petrobras posted a consolidated net income of R$ 6,925 million in 2007, 68% higher than in the 1Q-2007.

R$ million
        First Quarter 
4Q - 2007        2008    2007     D % 
57,922    Gross Operating Revenues    59,158    50,127    18 
45,417    Net Operating Revenues    46,892    38,894    21 
9,199    Operating Profit (1)   11,344    8,567    32 
(859)   Financial Result    (400)   (935)   (57)
5,053    Net Income    6,925    4,131    68 
1.15    Net Income per Share    1.58    0.94    68 
429,923    Market Value (Parent Company)   364,372    215,666    69 
36    Gross Margin (%)   37    39     (2)
18    Operating Margin (%)   23    19   
11    Net Margin (%)   15    11   
12,041    EBITDA – R$ million(2)   13,876    10,978    26 
    Financial and Economic Indicators             
88.69    Brent (US$/bbl)   96.90    57.75    68 
1.7830    US Dollar Average Price - Sale (R$)   1.7388    2.1082    (18)
1.7713    US Dollar Last Price - Sale (R$)   1.7491    2.0504    (15)

Operating income before financial result, equity balance and taxes.
Operating income before financial result, equity balance and depreciation/amortization.

        First Quarter 
4Q-2007        2008    2007     D % 
8,049    Operating Income as per Brazilian Corporate Law    10,956    7,548    45 
859    (-) Financial Result    400    935    (57)
291    (-) Equity Income Result    (12)   84    (114)
9,199    Operating Profit    11,344    8,567    32 
2,842    Depreciation / Amortization    2,532    2,411   
12,041    EBITDA    13,876    10,978    26 
27    EBITDA Margin (%)   30    28   


The behavior of the main components of consolidated net income, in relation to the 1Q-2007, was as follows:

        R$ million 
        1Q-2008 X 1Q-2007 
Main Items    Net 
  Cost of 
Goods Sold
. Domestic Market:    - Effect of Volumes Sold    1,822    (1,249)   573 
    - Effect of Prices    2,967      2,967 
. Intl. Market:    - Effect of Export Volumes    (532)   242    (290)
    - Effect of Export Price    2,142                       -    2,142 
. Increase in expenses: (*)     (4,246)   (4,246)
. Increase in Profitability of Distribution Segment    (1)   128    127 
. Increase in operations of commercialization abroad    2,093    (1,673)   420 
. Increase in international sales    486    (310)   176 
. FX effect on controlled companies abroad    (761)   648    (113)
. Other        (218)   513    295 
        7,998    (5,947)   2,051 

(*) Expenses Composition:    Value 
- import of gas, crude oil and oil products and gas (1)   (2,415)
- domestic government take    (837)
- non-oil products, including alcohol, biodiesel and other    (117)
- materials, services and depreciation    (702)
- transportation: maritime and pipelines(2)   (125)
- salaries, perquisites and benefits    (42)
- third-party services    (8)

CIF Values.
Expenditures on cabotage, terminals and pipelines.


A R$ 726 million reduction in operating expenses, notably:

These effects were offset by the increase in selling expenses (R$ 177 million), due to higher freight expenses caused by the upturn in sales volume and the increase in average distribution and offshore freight costs (R$ 40 million and R$ 39 million, respectively) plus the increase in provisions for doubtful debts.


Net income in the 1Q-2008 totaled R$ 6,925 million, 37% up on the R$ 5,053 million posted in the 4Q-2007 due to the factors listed below:

        R$ million 
        1Q-2008 x 4Q-2007 
Main Items    Net 
  Cost of 
Goods Sold 
  Gross Profit 
. Domestic Market:    - Effect of Volumes Sold    (1,168)   862    (306)
    - Effect of Prices    1,345      1,345 
. Intl. Market:    - Effect of Export Volumes    (1,177)   1,021    (156)
    - Effect of Export Price    172                     -    172 
. Increase in expenses: (*)         (789)   (789)
. Increase in Profitability of Distribution Segment    (78)   (175)   (253)
. Increase in operations of commercialization abroad    1,021    -   149 
. Increase in international sales    (1,216)   1,213    (3)
. FX effect on controlled companies abroad    1,103    (1,014)   89 
. Other        1,473    (931)   542 
        1,475    (685)   790 

(*) Expenses Composition:    Value 
- domestic government take    (109)
- import of gas, crude oil and oil products (1)   (74)
- non-oil products, including alcohol, biodiesel and other    12 
- materials, services and depreciation    (597)
- transportation: maritime and pipelines(2)   (146)
- third-party services    21 
- salaries, perquisites and benefits    104 

CIF values.
Expenditures on cabotage, terminals and pipelines.



PETROBRAS SYSTEM  Operating Performance 

Physical Indicators (*)

        First Quarter 
4Q-2007        2008    2007     D % 
Exploration & Production - Thousand bpd/day             
    Domestic Production             
1,782               Oil and LNG    1,816    1,800   
277               Natural Gas (1)   304    274       11 
2,059    Total    2,120    2,074   
    Consolidated - International Production             
111               Oil and LNG    108    111    (3)
101               Natural Gas (1)   103    103     - 
212    Total    211    214    (1)
14    Non Consolidated - Internacional Production (2)   14    17    (18)
226    Total International Production    225    231    (3)
2,285    Total production    2,345    2,305   

(1)Does not include liquified gas and includes re-injected gas 
(2)Non consolidated companies in Venezuela. 

Refining, Transport and Supply - Thousand bpd             
400    Crude oil imports    351    340   
136    Oil products imports    228    97    135 
536    Import of crude oil and oil products    579    437       32 
322    Crude oil exports    314    377    (17)
253    Oil products exports    258    247   
575    Export of crude oil and oil products (3)   572    624    (8)
39    Net exports (imports) crude oil and oil products    (7)   187    (104)
199    Import of gas and others    194    146       33 
(3)   Other exports    2(3)     100 
2,033    Output of oil products    1,892    2,041    (7)
1,795    • Brazil    1,776    1,781     - 
238    • International    116    260    (55)
2,167    Primary Processed Installed Capacity    2,167    2,227    (3)
1,986    • Brazil(4)   1,986    1,986     - 
181    • International    181    241    (25)
    Use of Installed Capacity (%)            
90    • Brazil    89    90   
93    • International    60    85    (25)
78    Domestic crude as % of total feedstock processed    79    77   

(3) Volumes of oil and oil products exports include ongoing exports 
(4) As per ownership recognized by the ANP 

Sales Volume - Thousand bpd             
1,776    Total Oil Products    1,703    1,646   
81    Alcohol, Nitrogens, Biodiesel and others    76    53       43 
272    Natural Gas    302    226       34 
2,129    Total domestic market    2,081    1,925   
577    Exports    574    625    (8)
480    International Sales    557    655    (15)
1,057    Total international market    1,131    1,280    (12)
3,186    Total    3,212    3,205     - 

(*) Não revisado.


Prices and Costs Indicators (*)

        First Quarter 
4Q-2007        2008    2007     D % 
Average Oil Products Realization Prices             
158.98    Domestic Market (R$/bbl)   163.07    150.97   
Average sales price - US$ per bbl             
76.75       Crude Oil (US$/bbl)(5)   86.13    47.79    80 
34.67       Natural Gas (US$/bbl) (6)   37.16    32.71    14 
59.42       Crude Oil (US$/bbl)   62.23    42.41    47 
17.45       Natural Gas (US$/bbl)   16.98    14.48    17 
(5) Average of the exports and the internal transfer prices from E&P to Supply.             
(6) Internal transfer prices from E&P to Gas & Energy.             
Costs - US$/barrel             
    Lifting cost:             
    • Brazil             
8.60       • • without government participation    8.66    7.20    20 
23.16       • • with government participation    24.82    16.24    53 
4.41    • International    4.32    3.89    11 
    Refining cost             
3.60    • Brazil    3.61    2.54    42 
3.04    • International    6.16    2.42    155 
794    Corporate Overhead (US$ million) Holding Company (7)   648    531    22 
Costs - R$/barrel             
    Lifting cost             
    • Brazil             
15.22    • • without government participation    15.16    15.20   
40.98    • • with government participation    43.20    34.12    27 
    Refining cost             
6.36    • Brazil    6.30    5.36    18 

(7) The company, in order to achieve higher indicators aderence to it managerial and operational models, revised the definitions of these indicators, recalculating previous period, as already informed at the 12.31.2007 Report.

(*) Não revisado.


Exploration and Production - thousand barrels/day

The operational start-up of the FPSO-Cidade do Rio de Janeiro (Espadarte), Piranema (Piranema), Cidade de Vitória (Golfinho), P-52 and P-54 (Roncador) platforms offset the natural decline in production.

Output moved up over the 4Q-2007, due to the startup of FPSO Cidade de Vitória (Golfinho), P-52 and P-54 (both in Roncador), more than offsetting the natural slide in output.

Consolidated oil production fell year-on-year due to the natural decline in the mature fields in Argentina. Gas output remained virtually flat over the 1Q-2007.

The consolidated reduction in oil production over the previous quarter was also due to the natural decline in the mature fields in Argentina. Consolidated gas production moved up 2%, given the oil workers’ strike that reduced output from the Santa Cruz I e II wells in Argentina in the 4Q-2007.


Refining, Transportation and Supply – thousand barrels/day

Domestic processed crude volume dipped by 0.3% over the 1Q-2007 due to the March /08 programmed maintenance stoppage of Replan’s U-200A, one of Petrobras’ biggest atmospheric distillation units. Its last scheduled maintenance shut-down was in 2003.

Domestic processed crude edged down by 1% over the 4Q-2007, also due to the programmed maintenance stoppage of Replan’s distillation unit in March/08.

Processed crude in the overseas refineries fell 36% year-on-year in the 1Q-2008 due to the sale of the Bolivian refineries in June/07 and the stoppages in the Argentinean and US refineries in the 1Q-2008.

In relation to the previous quarter, total processed throughput in the overseas refineries dropped by 26%, due to the 1Q-2008 scheduled stoppages in the USA and Argentina.


Lifting Cost (US$/barrel)

Excluding the impact of the appreciation of the Real, the annual unit lifting cost in Brazil climbed by 8% year-on-year, due to the wage increase, the expansion of the workforce and the higher initial unit cost of the new production systems, which will gradually come down as production moves up.

Also excluding the impact of the appreciation of the Real, the unit lifting cost inched down by 1% over the 4Q-2007 due to the wage hike in the latter quarter, partially offset by higher expenditure in the 1Q-2008 on corrective and preventive maintenance and the programmed stoppages of the P-20 and PPM-1 platforms.


The year-on-year upturn in the first-quarter lifting cost was due to higher extraction costs, the impact of the increase in international oil prices on government participations, and the operational start-up of the P-34, FPSO-Cidade do Rio de Janeiro, FPSO-Cidade de Vitória, P-52 and P-54 platforms.

The increase over the 4Q-2007 was due to the upturn in the average Brazilian oil price used to calculate the government participations, based on the international price.

The year-on-year increase in the international lifting cost was caused by the higher price of outsourced services and materials in Argentina.

In comparison with the 4Q-2007, the unit lifting cost recorded a decline due to the reduction in expenses from outsourced services in Argentina caused by the lower number of well repairs in the first quarter.


Refining Costs (US$/barrel)

Excluding the impact of the appreciation of the Real, the domestic unit refining cost moved up 21% year-on-year due to increased operating expenses, reflecting the wage increase, the expansion of the workforce, the electricity tariff hike and the heightened complexity of the refineries as they adapt to environmental and market demands for higher quality products.

Also excluding the impact of the appreciation of the Real, the domestic unit refining cost fell 2% over the 4Q-2007 due to reduced expenses from outsourced maintenance services.

The average international unit refining cost moved up due to higher costs in the USA caused by the programmed stoppage in the Pasadena refinery, associated with the first-quarter slide in processed crude.

The average international unit refining cost recorded an upturn over the 4Q-2007 due to scheduled stoppages in the USA and Argentina and the lower volume of processed crude in the first quarter.


Corporate Overhead – Parent Company (US$ million)

The 22% year-on-year increase in corporate overhead was due to the increasing complexity of the Company’s operations. If we exclude the impact of the 18% appreciation of the Real, overhead moved up 4% due to higher expenses from data processing services, specialized technical and administrative-support services, advertising and unsubsidized sponsorships.

The 18% reduction over the 4Q-2007 was chiefly due to the actuarial review of the retirement plan and the healthcare provisions in January/08, and the higher concentration of expenses related to sports and arts sponsorships in the 4Q-2007, including those associated with the Rouanet Law and donations to the FIA (Children and Teenagers’ Fund).

Sales Volume – thousand barrels/day

Domestic sales volume moved up 8.10% over the 1Q-2007, led by diesel, aviation fuel and natural gas. The diesel increase was due to the improved performance of the economy and the increased use of emergency diesel-driven thermal plants, while aviation fuel sales were pushed by the expansion of tourism, leveraged by economic growth and the appreciation of the Real against the dollar. Gas sales increased by 33.62% due to higher industrial consumption as gas replaced fuel oil.

International volume fell 14.96% year-on-year due to lower trading company sales in the USA, the sale of the Bolivian refineries, and the reduction in oil and gas sales volume in Bolivia and to third parties in Argentina, caused by the natural decline in output from the mature fields, and in Ecuador, due to the lack of production and sales in March/08.

Export volume fell due to the shrinkage of the US market triggered by the economic crisis.

Domestic sales volume recorded a 2.25% slide over the 4Q-2007 due to the seasonal slowdown in diesel consumption, given the more intense agricultural activity in the final quarter of the year.


Result by Business Area R$ million (1) (3)
        First Quarter 
4Q-2007        2008    2007     D % 
8,072    EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION    9,430    5,083    86 
301    SUPPLY    (566)   2,126    (127)
(486)   GAS AND ENERGY    (396)   (316)   25 
105    DISTRIBUTION    313    189    66 
(940)   INTERNATIONAL (2)   50    (261)   (119)
(1,363)   CORPORATE    (1,443)   (2,580)   (44)
(636)   ELIMINATIONS AND ADJUSTMENTS    (463)   (110)   321 
5,053    CONSOLIDATED NET INCOME    6,925    4,131    68 

(1) Comments on the results by business area begin on page 18 and their respective financial statements on page 28.

(2) In the international business segment, given that all operations are executed abroad, comparisons between the periods are influenced by foreign exchange variations in dollars or in the currency of those countries in which the companies in question are headquartered. As a result, there may be substantial variations in Reais, primarily arising from and reflecting changes in the exchange rate.

(3) Expenses from the creation of new jobs by Petrobras are now allocated in accordance with each employee’s area of activity and are no longer allocated in their entirety to corporate administrative expenses. In order to facilitate comparisons between the periods, we have adapted the previous financial statements to the new criteria.



Petrobras is a company that operates in an integrated manner, with the greater part of oil and gas production in the Exploration and Production area being sold or transferred to other Company areas.

The main criteria used to report results per business area are as follows:

a) Net operating revenues: revenues from sales to external clients, plus intra-Company sales and transfers, using internal transfer prices established between the various areas as a benchmark, with assessment methodologies based on market parameters;

b) Operating income: net operating revenues, plus the cost of goods and services sold, which are reported per business area considering the internal transfer price and other operating costs for each area, plus the operating expenses effectively incurred by each area;

c) The entire financial result is allocated to the corporate group;

d) Assets: refers to the assets as identified by each area. Equity accounts of a financial nature are allocated to the corporate group.

Annual net income from Exploration and Production increased by 86% over the 1Q-2008 due to the increase in average domestic oil prices and the 1% upturn in daily oil and NGL production

Part of these effects were offset by higher expenses from government participations and the write-off of economically unviable wells.

The spread between the average domestic oil sale/transfer price and the average Brent price widened from US$ 9.96/bbl in the 1Q-2007 to US$ 10.77/bbl in the 1Q-2008

In comparison with the 4Q-2007, net income moved up 17% due to higher average domestic oil prices and the 2% increase in daily oil and NGL production, partially offset by higher prospecting expenses.

The spread between the average domestic oil sale/transfer price and the average Brent price fell from US$ 11.94/bbl in the 4Q-2007 to US$ 10.77/bbl in the 1Q-2008.

The reduction in the Supply result in the 1Q-2008 was due to the higher oil sale/transfer costs and the increase in oil product import costs, reflecting the behavior of international prices.

These effects were partially offset by the upturn in oil product prices in Brazil and abroad and the higher ratio of Brazilian crude in total processed crude.


The reduction over the 4Q-2007 was chiefly due to the increase in international oil prices and the seasonal reduction in sales volume.

These effects were partially offset by higher average oil product sale prices, and the sale, in the 1Q-2008, of inventories acquired at a lower cost in the previous quarter.

The first-quarter Gas and Energy result was reduced by R$ 253 million in contractual charges related to natural gas supply and tighter margins in the electricity business.

These effects were partially offset by the upturn in electricity and gas sales volume and higher average gas prices.

The 1Q-2008 result benefited from higher gas and electricity sales margins and the reduction in SG&A expenses.

These effects were partially offset by the increase in fines and contractual charges related to gas supply.

Net income from Distribution jumped by 66% year-on-year in the 1Q-2008, primarily due to the reduction in tax expenses due to the elimination of the tax CPMF and the ongoing efforts to reduce SG&A expenses, which only moved up by 6%, versus the 15% increase in sales volume.

The segment recorded a 35.9% share of the national fuel distribution market, versus 33.6% in the 1Q-2007.


Net income jumped by 198% over the previous quarter due to the recognition, in the 4Q-2007, of higher operating expenses, chiefly due to a review of the amounts involved in judicial proceedings, and the impact of the new jobs and salaries plan following the collective bargaining agreement.

These effects were partially offset by the seasonal reduction in sales volume.

The segment recorded a 35.9% share of the national fuel distribution market, versus 34.6% in the 4Q-2007.

The improvement in the International result in the 1Q-2008 was due to a R$ 67 million increase in gross profit, due to higher prices and the R$ 292 million reduction in prospection and drilling costs in Turkey, Angola, USA, Libya and Venezuela.

The quarter-over-quarter improvement was chiefly due to the R$ 538 million reduction in prospection and drilling costs, in turn mainly the result of lower write-offs of dry wells in the USA and Colombia, and R$ 401 million in impairment costs in Ecuador, USA and Angola in the 4Q-2007

The higher Corporate result in comparison with the 1Q-2007 was due to:

• The R$ 535 million reduction in net financial expenses, as detailed on page 7;

• The R$ 632 million reduction in expenses from the amendments to the Petros Plan regulations;

• The R$ 74 million reduction in tax expenses due to the extinction of the tax CPMF:


The quarter-over-quarter variation was due to the reduction in income tax and social contribution expenses, thanks to the provisioning of interest on equity in the 4Q-2007, which generated a fiscal benefit of R$ 671 million.

This was partially offset by the R$ 459 million reduction in net financial expenses, as detailed on page 9.


Consolidated Debt

    R$ million 
    03.31.2008    12.31.2007     D % 
Short-term Debt (1)   7,639    8,960    (15)
Long-term Debt (1)   35,674    30,781    16 
Total    43,313    39,741   
Cash / Cash Equivalents    11,560    13,071    (12)
Net Debt (2)   31,753    26,670    19 
Net Debt/(Net Debt + Shareholder's Equity) (1)   21%    19%   
Total Net Liabilities (1) (3)   229,746    219,590   
Capital Structure             
(Third Parties Net / Total Liabilities Net)   47%    48%     (1)

Includes debt from leasing contracts (R$ 1,429 million on March 31, 2008 and R$ 1,433 million on December 31, 2007).
Total debt less cash and cash equivalents.
Total liabilities net of cash/financial investments.

The net debt of the Petrobras System on March 31, 2008, was 19% higher than the amount recorded on December 31, 2007, due to the increase in financings, particularly from credit lines taken out to boost ethanol exports, and the raising of PifCo funds through sa Globall Note issue, as well as a reduction in cash and cash equivalents due to the payment of interest on equity.

The level of indebtedness, measured by the net debt/EBITDA ratio, increased from 0.53, on December 31, 2007, to 0.57 on March 31, 2008. The portion of the capital structure represented by third parties was 47%, 1 percentage point up on December 31, 2007.


Consolidated Investments

In compliance with the goals outlined in its strategic plan, Petrobras continues to prioritize investments in the expansion of its oil and natural gas production capacity by investing its own funds and by structuring ventures with strategic partners. On March 31, 2008, total investments amounted to R$ 10,197 million, 23% up on the total on March 31, 2007.

R$ million
    First Quarter 
    2008    %    2007    %     D % 
• Own Investments    8,430    83    7,385    88     14 
Exploration & Production    4,692    46    3,986    48     18 
Supply    1,790    18    1,040    12     72 
Gas and Energy    359      197       82 
International    1,335    13    1,922    23    (31)
Distribution    95      107      (11)
Corporate    159      133       20 
• Special Purpose Companies (SPCs)   1,448    14    861    11     68 
• Ventures under Negotiation    319    3    54    1    491 
• Structured Projects    -    -             -    -    - 
Total Investments    10,197    100    8,300    100     23 

R$ million
    First Quarter 
    2008    %    2007    %     D % 
Exploration & Production    1,138    85    1,737    90    (34)
Supply    100      88      14 
Gas and Energy    42      49      (14)
Distribution           -    15      (80)
Other    52      33      58 
Total Investments    1,335    100    1,922    100    (31)

R$ million
    First Quarter 
    2008    %    2007    %     D % 
Projects Developed by SPCs                     
Gasene    614    42    69      790 
CDMPI    226    16    37      511 
PDET Off Shore    155    11    77      101 
Codajás    142    10       
Mexilhão    121      90    11    34 
Marlim Leste    98      285    33    (66)
Malhas    92      199    23    (54)
Amazônia        104    12    (100)
Total Investments    1,448    100    861    100    68 

In line with its strategic objectives, Petrobras acts in consortiums with other companies as a concessionaire of oil and natural gas exploration, development and production rights. Currently the Company is a member of 93 consortiums. These ventures will require total investments of around US$ 10,459 million by the end of the current year.


PETROBRAS SYSTEM  Financial Statements 

Income Statement – Consolidated

R$ million
        First Quarter 
4Q-2007        2008    2007 
57,922    Gross Operating Revenues    59,158    50,127 
(12,505)   Sales Deductions    (12,266)   (11,233)
45,417    Net Operating Revenues    46,892    38,894 
(28,954)       (29,639)   (23,692)
16,463    Gross profit    17,253    15,202 
    Operating Expenses         
(1,567)      Sales    (1,592)   (1,415)
(1,830)      General and Administratives    (1,565)   (1,545)
(1,070)      Cost of Prospecting, Drilling & Lifting    (685)   (655)
(446)      Losses on recovery of assets     
(492)      Research & Development    (417)   (382)
(305)      Taxes    (149)   (299)
(442)      Pension and Health Plan    (356)   (453)
(1,112)      Other    (1,145)   (1,886)
7,264        (5,909)   (6,635)
       Net Financial Expenses         
806                         Income    705    684 
(920)                        Expenses    (814)   (883)
(1,603)                        Monetary & FX Correction - Assets    (211)   (1,870)
858                         Monetary & FX Correction - Liabilities    (80)   1,134 
(859)       (400)   (935)
(8,123)       (6,309)   (7,570)
(291)   Gains from Investments in Subsidiaries    12    (84)
8,049    Operating Profit    10,956    7,548 
(350)   Non-operating Income (Expenses)   (12)   27 
(2,358)   Income Tax & Social Contribution    (3,971)   (2,968)
(288)   Minority Interest    (48)   (476)
5,053    Net Income    6,925    4,131 

Certain figures relating to previous periods have been reclassified to bring them into line with the current financial statements, thereby facilitating comparisons.


Balance Sheet – Consolidated

Assets    R$ million 
    03.31.2008    12.31.2007 
Assets    55,298    53,374 
         Cash and Cash Equivalents    11,560    13,071 
         Accounts Receivable    12,946    11,329 
         Inventories    19,395    17,599 
         Marketable Securities    268    590 
         Taxes Recoverable    8,169    7,782 
         Other    2,960    3,003 
Non Current Assets    184,578    177,854 
         Long-term Assets    21,260    22,023 
         Petroleum & Alcohol Account    799    798 
         Advances to Suppliers    421    397 
         Marketable Securities    3,730    3,922 
         Deferred Taxes and Social Contribution    8,180    8,333 
         Advance for Pension Plan Migration    1,336    1,297 
         Prepaid Expenses    1,480    1,514 
         Accounts Receivable    2,529    2,902 
         Deposits - Legal Matters    1,728    1,693 
         Other    1,057    1,167 
         Investments    7,841    7,822 
         Fixed Assets    146,983    139,941 
         Intangible    5,737    5,532 
         Deferred    2,757    2,536 
Total Assets    239,876    231,228 
Liabilities     R$ million 
    03.31.2008    12.31.2007 
Current Liabilities    42,338    47,555 
         Short-term Debt    7,199    8,501 
         Suppliers    14,609    13,791 
         Taxes and Social Contribution Payable    10,207    10,006 
         Project Finance and Joint Ventures    147    41 
         Pension Fund Obligations    880    880 
         Dividends    2,091    6,581 
         Salaries, Benefits and Charges    1,669    1,689 
         Other    5,536    6,066 
Non Current Liabilities    68,729    62,121 
         Long-term Debt    34,685    29,807 
         Pension and Health Plan Obligations    4,565    4,520 
         Health Care Benefits    9,558    9,272 
         Deferred Taxes and Social Contribution    11,573    10,353 
         Other    8,348    8,169 
Deferred Income    1,734    1,392 
Minority interest    6,240    6,306 
Shareholders’ Equity    120,835    113,854 
         Capital Stock    52,644    52,644 
         Reserves    61,266    61,210 
         Net Income    6,925   
Total Liabilities    239,876    231,228 

Certain figures relating to previous periods have been reclassified to bring them into line with the current financial statements, thereby facilitating comparisons.



Statement of Cash Flow - Consolidated

R$ million
        First Quarter 
4Q-2007        2008    2007 
5,053    Net Income    6,925    4,131 
6,303    (+) Adjustments    2,846    3,562 
2,842       Depreciation & Amortization    2,532    2,411 
(211)      Charges on Financing and Connected Companies    714    (676)
288       Minority interest    48    476 
291       Result of Participation in Material Investments    (12)   84 
1,326       Foreign Exchange on Fixed Assets    485    1,749 
(25)      Deferred Income Tax and Social Contribution    737    106 
(88)      Inventory Variation    (1,796)   876 
1,741       Supplier Variation    822    (1,895)
552       Pension and Health Plan Variation    330    548 
(413)      Other    (1,014)   (117)
11,356    (=) Net Cash Generated by Operating Activities    9,771    7,693 
(13,916)   (-) Cash used for Cap.Expend.    (10,070)   (8,151)
(5,348)      Investment in E&P    (5,341)   (4,364)
(4,411)      Investment in Refining & Transport    (2,380)   (1,102)
(2,014)      Investment in Gas and Energy    (1,436)   (704)
(559)      Investment in Distribution    (82)   (104)
(1,327)      Investment in International Segment    (1,197)   (1,526)
(139)      Marketable Securities    514    (200)
(12)      Dividends    37    86 
(106)      Other investments    (185)   (237)
(2,560)   (=) Free cash flow    (299)   (458)
1,415    (-) Cash used in Financing Activities    (1,212)   (6,908)
1,417       Financing    2,862    (1,035)
(2)      Dividends    (4,074)   (5,873)
(1,145)   (=) Net cash generated in the period    (1,511)   (7,366)
14,216       Cash at the Beginning of Period    13,071    27,829 
13,071       Cash at the End of Period    11,560    20,463 

Certain figures relating to previous periods have been reclassified to bring them into line with the current financial statements, thereby facilitating comparisons.


Statement of Value Added – Consolidated

    R$ million
    First Quarter
    2008   2007
Sales of Products and Services and Non-Operating Revenues*    59,610    50,687 
Raw Materials Used    (6,966)   (5,576)
Products for Resale    (13,453)   (7,949)
Materials, Energy, Services & Other    (4,891)   (7,124)
Added Value Generated    34,300    30,038 
Depreciation & Amortization    (2,532)   (2,411)
Participation in Equity Income, Goodwill & Negative Goodwill    12    (84)
Financial Result    705    669 
Rent and Royalties    149    126 
Total Distributable Added Value    32,634    28,338 
Distribution of Added Value         
Salaries, Benefits and Charges    2,656    3,569 
    2,656    3,569 
Government Entities         
Taxes, Fees and Contributions    14,857    13,170 
Government Take    5,003    3,468 
    19,860    16,638 
Financial Institutions and Suppliers         
Interest, FX Rate and Monetary Changes    1,105    1,620 
Rent and Freight Expenses    2,040    1,904 
    3,145    3,524 
     Minority Interest    48    476 
     Retained Earnings    6,925    4,131 
    6,973    4,607 
Distributed Added Value    32,634    28,338 

* Net of Provisions for Doubtful Debts.


Consolidated Result by Business Area - 1Q/2008

                R$ MILLION             
INCOME STATEMENTS                                 
Net Operating Revenues    25,010    37,526    3,365    12,487    4,471    -    (35,967)   46,892 
 Intersegments    24,692    10,199    424    200    452      (35,967)  
 Third Parties    318    27,327    2,941    12,287    4,019        46,892 
Cost of Goods Sold    (9,505)   (37,133)   (3,161)   (11,389)   (3,659)     35,208    (29,639)
Gross Profit    15,505    393    204    1,098    812    -    (759)   17,253 
Operating Expenses    (1,009)   (1,296)   (706)   (628)   (646)   (1,683)   59    (5,909)
 Sales, General & Administrative    (129)   (1,100)   (249)   (626)   (347)   (764)   58    (3,157)
 Taxes    (15)   (32)   (9)   (1)   (24)   (68)     (149)
 Exploratory Costs    (538)         (147)       (685)
 Research & Development    (213)   (82)   (31)   (3)   (1)   (87)     (417)
 Health and Pension Plans              (356)     (356)
 Other    (114)   (82)   (417)     (127)   (408)     (1,145)
Operating Profit (Loss)   14,496    (903)   (502)   470    166    (1,683)   (700)   11,344 
 Interest Income (Expenses)             (400)     (400)
 Participation in Equity Income        (26)     47    (13)     12 
 Non-operating Income (Expenses)   (7)   (4)   (1)     (3)       (12)
Income (Loss) Before Taxes and Minority Interests    14,489    (906)   (529)   473    210    (2,093)   (700)   10,944 
Income Tax & Social Contribution    (4,926)   309    171    (160)   (102)   500    237    (3,971)
Minority Interests    (133)   31    (38)     (58)   150      (48)
Net Income (Loss)   9,430    (566)   (396)   313    50    (1,443)   (463)   6,925 

Consolidated Result by Business Area - 1Q/2007

                R$ MILLION             
INCOME STATEMENTS                                 
Net Operating Revenues    16,966    29,690    2,146    10,223    4,671    -    (24,802)   38,894 
 Intersegments    15,376    8,023    553    182    668      (24,802)  
 Third Parties    1,590    21,667    1,593    10,041    4,003        38,894 
Cost of Goods Sold    (7,938)   (25,248)   (1,925)   (9,252)   (3,926)     24,597    (23,692)
Gross Profit    9,028    4,442    221    971    745    -    (205)   15,202 
Operating Expenses    (972)   (1,260)   (526)   (678)   (901)   (2,336)   38    (6,635)
 Sales, General & Administrative    (173)   (898)   (261)   (593)   (386)   (688)   39    (2,960)
 Taxes    (12)   (42)   (26)   (49)   (28)   (142)     (299)
 Exploratory Costs    (216)         (439)       (655)
 Research & Development    (187)   (71)   (40)   (3)   (1)   (80)     (382)
 Health and Pension Plan              (453)     (453)
 Other    (384)   (249)   (199)   (33)   (47)   (973)   (1)   (1,886)
Operating Profit (Loss)   8,056    3,182    (305)   293    (156)   (2,336)   (167)   8,567 
 Interest Income (Expenses)             (935)     (935)
 Equity Income      42      (4)     (137)     (84)
 Non-operating Income (Expense)   (3)         23    (3)     27 
Income (Loss) Before Taxes and Minority Interests    8,053    3,231    (296)   289    (124)   (3,411)   (167)   7,575 
Income Tax & Social Contribution    (2,738)   (1,084)   102    (100)   (66)   861    57    (2,968)
Minority Interests    (232)   (21)   (122)     (71)   (30)     (476)
Net Income (Loss)   5,083    2,126    (316)   189    (261)   (2,580)   (110)   4,131 

Part of the expenses associated with idle thermoelectric plants were allocated to COGS, given that such expenses are linked to energy sales which are in turn tied to the capacity available for sale, independently of the volume effectively generated.

In order to unify the criterion for the allocation of safety, health and environmental expenses, we opted to allocate these expenses in their entirety to other operating income (expenses).

Expenditure related to the training of new Petrobras employees is now allocated in line with the area of each employee and is no longer wholly allocated to corporate administrative expenses.

In order to maintain comparability between the periods, we are presenting the previous statements in accordance with the new criteria above.


EBITDA(1) Consolidated Statement by Business Area - 1Q/2008

Operating Profit (Loss) (2)   14,496    (903)   (502)   470    166    (1,683)   (700)   11,344 
Depreciation & Amortization    1,387    530    207    90    278    40    -    2,532 
EBITDA (1)   15,883    (373)   (295)   560    444    (1,643)   (700)   13,876 

(1) Operating income before the financial results and equity income + depreciation /amortization.
(2) Adjusted for Profit Sharing Program.

Statement of Other Operating Revenues (Expenses) - 1Q/2008

Institutional relations and cultural projects    (21)   (16)     (9)     (233)     (279)
Fines and Contractual Charges        (253)           (253)
Operating expenses with thermoelectric        (161)           (161)
Losses and Contingencies related to Legal Proceedings    (9)   (7)     (1)   (126)   (10)     (153)
HSE Expenses    (6)   (17)   (1)       (55)     (79)
Unscheduled stoppages at installations and production equipment    (22)   (31)             (53)
Contractual losses from ship-or-pay transport services            (21)       (21)
Other    (56)   (11)   (2)   12    20    (110)     (146)
    (114)   (82)   (417)   2    (127)   (408)   1    (1,145)

Statement of Other Operating Revenues (Expenses) - 1Q/2007

Institutional relations and cultural projects    (21)   (15)     (7)     (247)     (290)
Operating expenses with thermoelectric        (165)           (165)
Losses and Contingencies related to Legal Proceedings    (6)   (12)       (2)       (10)
HSE Expenses    (7)   (22)   (1)       (65)     (95)
Unscheduled stoppages at installations and production equipment    (19)   (41)             (60)
Contractual losses from ship-or-pay transport services            (15)       (15)
Expenses with Renegotiation of Petros Fund Plan    (220)   (129)   (11)   (40)   (8)   (632)     (1,040)
Other    (111)   (30)   (22)   13    (22)   (38)   (1)   (211)
    (384)   (249)   (199)   (33)   (47)   (973)   (1)   (1,886)

Part of the expenses associated with idle thermoelectric plants were allocated to COGS, given that such expenses are linked to energy sales which are in turn tied to the capacity available for sale, independently of the volume effectively generated.

In order to unify the criterion for the allocation of safety, health and environmental expenses, we opted to allocate these expenses in their entirety to other operating income (expenses).

In order to maintain comparability between the periods, we are presenting the previous statements in accordance with the new criteria above.


Consolidated Assets by Business Area - 03.31.2008

ASSETS    94,007    58,813    30,388    9,970    23,010    34,202    (10,514)   239,876 
   CURRENT ASSETS    6,265    26,364    5,409    5,223    4,198    17,963    (10,124)   55,298 
           CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS              11,560      11,560 
           OTHER    6,265    26,364    5,409    5,223    4,198    6,403    (10,124)   43,738 
   NON-CURRENT ASSETS    87,742    32,449    24,979    4,747    18,812    16,239    (390)   184,578 
           LONG-TERM ASSETS    3,606    1,138    2,154    506    1,027    13,197    (368)   21,260 
           PROPERTY, PLANTS AND EQUIPMENT    80,627    26,973    21,755    2,801    13,116    1,733    (22)   146,983 
           OTHER    3,509    4,338    1,070    1,440    4,669    1,309      16,335 

Consolidated Assets by Business Area - 12.31.2007

ASSETS    89,256    55,253    27,942    9,890    22,406    36,409    (9,928)   231,228 
   CURRENT ASSETS    5,174    24,390    4,423    4,946    4,212    20,050    (9,821)   53,374 
           CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS              13,071      13,071 
           OTHER    5,174    24,390    4,423    4,946    4,212    6,979    (9,821)   40,303 
   NON-CURRENT ASSETS    84,082    30,863    23,519    4,944    18,194    16,359    (107)   177,854 
           LONG-TERM ASSETS    4,046    1,335    1,841    702    1,088    13,101    (90)   22,023 
           PROPERTY, PLANTS AND EQUIPMENT    76,611    25,226    20,753    2,793    12,664    1,911    (17)   139,941 
           OTHER    3,425    4,302    925    1,449    4,442    1,347      15,890 


Consolidated Results – International Business Area - 1Q/2008

INTERNATIONAL AREA                             
ASSETS (03.31.2008)   15,949    4,835    2,430    713    3,050    (3,967)   23,010 
Income Statement (1) - 1Q/2008                             
Net Operating Revenues    1,117    2,775    485    1,056    1    (963)   4,471 
   Intersegments    628    655    117    15      (963)   452 
   Third Parties    489    2,120    368    1,041        4,019 
Operating Profit (Loss)   239    (5)   143    (45)   (119)   (47)   166 
Net Income (Loss)   116    20    81    (35)   (85)   (47)   50 

Consolidated Results – International Business Area

INTERNATIONAL AREA                             
ASSETS (12.31.2007)   14,987    4,636    2,378    819    2,543    (2,957)   22,406 
Income Statement - 1Q 2007                             
Net Operating Revenues    1,211    2,975    634    890    15    (1,054)   4,671 
   Intersegments    914    706    99        (1,054)   668 
   Third Parties    297    2,269    535    887    15      4,003 
Operating Profit (Loss)   (153)   (74)   195    21    (169)   24    (156)
Net Income (Loss)   (239)   (38)   144    17    (169)   24    (261)

(1) Expenditure related to the training of new Petrobras employees is now allocated in line with the area of each employee and is no longer wholly allocated to corporate administrative expenses. In order to maintain comparability between the periods, we are presenting the previous statements in accordance with the new criteria above.



1. Petroleum and Ethanol Accounts – National Treasury

In order to settle the accounts with the federal government, in accordance with Provisional Measure No. 2181 of August 24, 2001, Petrobras, after having submitted all the information required by the National Treasury (STN), is seeking to reconcile the differences between the parties which comprise alleged debts arising from loan operations involving the extinct Interbras.

In November 2007, as part of the ongoing negotiations with the STN, Petrobras one again officially stated its understanding that these debts were never owed by Interbras, requested the issue of securities to settle the balance of the Petroleum and Ethanol Accounts and their possible use to pay Petrobras’ actuarial debts with Petros.

The account balance of R$ 799 million on March 31, 2008 (R$ 798 million in 2007) may be paid by the federal government through the issuance of National Treasury bonds, in an amount equal to the final settlement amount or with other amounts that Petrobras may owe to the federal government, including those related to taxes, or through a combination of these options.

2. Consolidated Taxes and Contributions

The economic contribution of Petrobras to the country, measured through the generation of current taxes, duties and social contributions, totaled R$ 14,005 million.

R$ million 
        First Quarter 
4Q-2007        2008    2007     D % 
    Economic Contribution - Country             
4,630    Value Added Tax (ICMS)   4,550    4,132    10 
2,021    CIDE (1)   1,944    1,853   
3,159    PASEP/COFINS    3,046    2,749    11 
2,241    Income Tax & Social Contribution    3,888    2,892    34 
819    Other    577    656    (12)
12,870    Subtotal Country    14,005    12,282    14 
833    Economic Contribution - Foreign    852    888     (4)
13,703    Total    14,857    13,170    13 


3. Government Participations

R$ million
        First Quarter 
4Q-2007        2008    2007    D % 
2,182    Royalties    2,397    1,627    47 
2,150    Special Participation    2,430    1,509    61 
33    Surface Rental Fees    30    33    (9)
4,365    Subtotal Country    4,857    3,169    53 
197    Foreign    146    299    (51)
4,562    Total    5,003    3,468    44 

Government participations in the country increased by 53% year-on-year, due to the 42% upturn in the reference price for local oil, which averaged R$ 139.57 (US$ 80.45) in the 1Q-2008, versus R$ 98.20 (US$ 46.62) in the 1Q-2007, reflecting the average Brent price on the international market, and the increase in output, chiefly due to the operational start-up of the P-34 (Jubarte), FPSO-Cidade do RJ (Espadarte), FPSO-Cidade de Vitória (Golfinho), P-52 (Roncador) and P-54 (Roncador) platforms, offsetting the natural decline in production

In comparison with the 4Q-2007, government participations in the country moved up 11%, due to the 5% upturn in the reference price for local oil which averaged R$ 139.57 (US$ 80,45) in the 1Q-2008, versus R$ 133.54 (US$ 74.84) in the 4Q-2007, reflecting the average Brent price on the international market, plus increased output from the recently installed platforms in the Golfinho and Roncador fields.

4. Reconciliation of Consolidated Shareholders’ Equity and Net Income

    R$ million 
    Shareholders' Equity    Result 
. According to Petrobras information as of March 31, 2008    122,763    6,751 
. Profit in the sales of products in affiliated inventories    (503)   (503)
. Reversal of profits on inventory in previous years      667 
. Capitalized interest    (867)   (13)
. Absorption of negative net worth in affiliated companies *    (104)   (92)
. Other eliminations    (454)   115 
. According to consolidated information as of March 31, 2008    120,835    6,925 

* Pursuant to CVM Instruction 247/96, losses considered temporary on investments evaluated by the equity method, where the investee shows no signs of stoppage or the need for financial support from the investor, must be limited to the amount of the controlling company’s investment. Thus losses generated by unfunded liabilities (negative shareholders’ equity) of the controlled companies did not affect the results or shareholders’ equity of Petrobras on March 31, 2007, generating a conciliatory item between the Financial Statements of Petrobras and the Consolidated Financial Statements.

5. Performance of Petrobras Shares and ADRs

Nominal Change
        First Quarter 
4Q-2007        2008    2007 
51.52%    Petrobras ON    -14.60%    -5.05% 
49.32%    Petrobras PN    -16.30%    -7.35% 
52.64%    ADR- Nível III - ON    -11.39%    -3.38% 
48.72%    ADR- Nível III - PN    -11.98%    -3.68% 
5.66%    IBOVESPA    -4.57%    2.99% 
-4.54%    DOW JONES    -7.55%    -0.87% 
-1.82%    NASDAQ    -14.07%    0.26% 

Petrobras’ shares had a book value of R$ 27.98 on March 31, 2008.


6. Foreign Exchange Exposure

Assets    R$ million 
    03.31.2008    12.31.2007 
Current Assets    8,334    9,368 
     Cash and Cash Equivalents    4,049    4,037 
     Other Current Assets    4,285    5,331 
Non-current Assets    18,626    21,178 
     Amounts invested abroad via         
         partner companies, in the international segment,         
         in E&P equipments to be used in Brazil and in         
         commercial activities.    17,618    20,362 
     Other Long-term Assets    554    480 
     Property, plant and equipment    454    336 
Total Assets    26,960    30,546 
Liabilities    R$ million 
    03.31.2008    12.31.2007 
Current Liabilities    (4,859)   (7,601)
         Short-term Debt    (2,435)   (3,183)
         Suppliers    (1,792)   (2,122)
         Other Current Liabilities    (632)   (2,296)
Long-term Liabilities    (14,124)   (12,199)
     Long-term Debt    (13,024)   (11,062)
     Other Long-term Liabilities    (1,100)   (1,137)
Total Liabilities    (18,983)   (19,800)
Net Assets (Liabilities) in Reais    7,977    10,746 
(+) Investment Funds - Exchange    20    41 
(-) FINAME Loans - dollar-indexed reais    (355)   (339)
Net Assets (Liabilities) in Reais    7,642    10,448 

* The results of investments in Exchange Funds are booked under Financial Revenue.


PETROBRAS SYSTEM  Financial Statements 

Income Statement – Parent Company

R$ million
        First Quarter 
4Q-2007        2008    2007 
46,365    Gross Operating Revenues    44,861    37,986 
(11,450)    Sales Deductions    (11,053)   (10,118)
34,915    Net Operating Revenues    33,808    27,868 
(20,712)            Cost of Products Sold    (19,655)   (15,282)
14,203    Gross Profit    14,153    12,586 
    Operating Expenses         
(1,337)            Sales    (1,486)   (1,257)
(1,310)            General & Administrative    (1,092)   (1,036)
(387)            Exploratory Costs    (538)   (216)
(45)            Impairment     
(489)            Research & Development    (413)   (380)
(183)            Taxes    (90)   (155)
(424)            Health and Pension Plans    (336)   (423)
(925)            Other    (1,106)   (1,804)
(5,100)       (5,061)   (5,271)
           Net Financial         
1,408                               Income    1,361    986 
(898)                              Expense    (934)   (589)
(1,917)                              Monetary & Foreign Exchange Variation - Assets    (541)   (2,112)
786                               Monetary & Foreign Exchange Variation - Liabilities    259    1,140 
(621)       145    (575)
(5,721)       (4,916)   (5,846)
(968)   Equity Results    798    52 
7,514    Operating Income    10,035    6,792 
(291)   Non-operating Income (Expense)     (1)
(2,054)   Income Tax / Social Contribution    (3,285)   (2,455)
5,169    Net Income    6,751    4,336 

Certain figures relating to previous periods have been reclassified to bring them into line with the current financial statements, thereby facilitating comparisons.


Balance Sheet – Parent Company

Assets    R$ million 
    03.31.2008    12.31.2007 
Current Assets                 51,030    40,154 
     Cash and Cash Equivalents    15,088    7,848 
     Accounts Receivable    12,618    12,036 
     Inventories    15,354    12,800 
     Dividends Receivable    478    669 
     Deferred Taxes & Social Contribution    5,614    5,125 
     Other    1,878    1,676 
Non Current Assets    180,369    171,079 
     Long-term Assets                 66,906    63,949 
     Petroleum & Alcohol Account    799    798 
     Subsidiaries and affiliated companies    50,230    47,556 
     Ventures under Negotiation    1,824    1,504 
     Advances to Suppliers    377    397 
     Marketable Securities    3,419    3,387 
     Advance for Pension Plan Migration    1,336    1,297 
     Deferred Taxes and Social Contribution    5,550    5,557 
     Judicial Deposits    1,466    1,446 
     Antecipated Expenses    723    809 
     Other    1,182    1,198 
   Investments    27,940    26,069 
   Property, plant and equipment    81,690    77,252 
   Intangible    3,079    3,075 
   Deferred    754    734 
Total Assets    231,399    211,233 

Liabilities    R$ million 
    03.31.2008    12.31.2007 
Current Liabilities                 71,668    60,386 
     Short-term Debt    757    749 
     Suppliers    43,073    36,457 
     Taxes & Social Contribution Payable    8,561    8,493 
     Dividends / Interest on Own Capital    2,091    6,581 
     Project Finance and Joint Ventures    472    408 
     Health and Pension Plan    816    816 
     Clients Anticipation    163    120 
     Receivable Cash Flow    11,134    1,978 
     Other    4,601    4,784 
Long-term Liabilities                 36,710                   34,835 
     Long-term Debt    6,024    4,812 
     Subsidiaries and affiliated companies    1,676    2,374 
     Pension plan    4,169    4,139 
     Health plan    8,819    8,554 
     Deferred Taxes & Social Contribution    9,464    8,434 
     Provision for area abandonment    5,919    5,854 
     Other    639    668 
Deferred Income    258    - 
Shareholders' Equity    122,763    116,012 
     Capital    52,644    52,644 
     Capital Reserves    63,368    63,368 
     Net Income    6,751   
Total liabilities    231,399    211,233 

Certain figures relating to previous periods have been reclassified to bring them into line with the current financial statements, thereby facilitating comparisons.


Statement of Cash Flow – Parent Company

R$ million
        First Quarter 
4Q-2007        2008    2007 
5,169    Net Income    6,751    4,336 
4,847    (+) Adjustments    5,367    3,384 
1,677           Depreciation & Amortization    1,541    1,260 
(2)          Oil and Alcohol Accounts    (2)   (3)
654           Oil and Oil Products Supply - Foreign    6,159    159 
481           Charges on Financing and Affiliated Companies    (179)   784 
2,036           Other Adjustments    (2,152)   1,184 
10,016    (=) Net Cash Generated by Operating Activities    12,118    7,720 
(10,078)   (-) Cash used for Cap.Expend.    (7,262)   (4,634)
(4,155)      Investment in E&P    (3,929)   (3,112)
(4,030)      Investment in Refining & Transport    (2,285)   (1,015)
(891)      Investment in Gas and Energy    (703)   (298)
(5)      Investments in International Area    (13)   (4)
(390)      Investments in Distribution     
(277)      Structured Projects Net of Advance    (355)   (94)
97       Dividends    208    36 
(155)      Marketable Securities     
(272)      Other Investments    (185)   (147)
(62)   (=) Free Cash Flow    4,856    3,086 
719    (-) Cash used in Financing Activities    2,385    (10,046)
657    (=) Cash Generated in the Period    7,241    (6,960)
7,191    Cash at the Beginning of Period    7,848    20,099 
7,848    Cash at the End of Period    15,089    13,139 


Statement of Value Added - Parent Company

    R$ million 
    First Quarter 
    2008    2007 
Sale of products and services and non operating income*    45,130    38,320 
Raw Materials Used    (3,739)   (2,824)
Products for Resale    (5,908)   (1,889)
Materials, Energy, Services & Others    (3,870)   (6,043)
Added Value Generated    31,613    27,564 
Depreciation & Amortization    (1,541)   (1,260)
Participation in subsidiaries, goodwill & discount amortization    798    52 
Financial Income    1,261    491 
Rent and royalties    119    98 
Total Distributable Added Value    32,250    26,945 
Distribution of Added Value         
Salaries, Benefits and Charges    1,979    2,974 
    1,979    2,974 
Government Entities         
Taxes, Fees and Contributions    14,893    13,129 
Government Participation    4,856    3,169 
    19,749    16,298 
Financial Institutions and Suppliers         
Interest, FX Rate and Monetary Variations    1,116    1,081 
Rent and Freight Expenses    2,655    2,256 
    3,771    3,337 
    Net Income    6,751    4,336 
    6,751    4,336 
Value Added distributed    32,250    26,945 

* Net of Provisions for Doubtful Debts.




Investor Relations Department I E-mail: /
Av. República do Chile, 65 – 22nd floor - 20031-912 - Rio de Janeiro, RJ I Tel.: 55 (21) 3224-1510 / 9947

This document may contain forecasts that merely reflect the expectations of the Company’s management. Such terms as “anticipate”, “believe”, “expect”, “forecast”, “intend”, “plan”, “project”, “seek”, “should”, along with similar or analogous expressions, are used to identify such forecasts. These predictions evidently involve risks and uncertainties, whether foreseen or not by the Company. Therefore, the future results of operations may differ from current expectations, and readers should not base their expectations exclusively on the information presented herein.



Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Date: May 27, 2008

/S/  Almir Guilherme Barbassa

Almir Guilherme Barbassa
Chief Financial Officer and Investor Relations Officer



This press release may contain forward-looking statements. These statements are statements that are not historical facts, and are based on management's current view and estimates offuture economic circumstances, industry conditions, company performance and financial results. The words "anticipates", "believes", "estimates", "expects", "plans" and similar expressions, as they relate to the company, are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Statements regarding the declaration or payment of dividends, the implementation of principal operating and financing strategies and capital expenditure plans, the direction of future operations and the factors or trends affecting financial condition, liquidity or results of operations are examples of forward-looking statements. Such statements reflect the current views of management and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties. There is no guarantee that the expected events, trends or results will actually occur. The statements are based on many assumptions and factors, including general economic and market conditions, industry conditions, and operating factors. Any changes in such assumptions or factors could cause actual results to differ materially from current expectations.